‘The Last of Us’ Star Melanie Lynskey Responds to Criticism of Her Casting: “I Don’t Need to Be Muscly”
Slightly overweight actors are always search what Internet thinks of them and then publicly cry about it and be offended. Then get sympathy from press and go for days: "Oh Mah Gawd, I’m so hurt, everyone feel sorry for me and support me".
Not realizing that they actually hurt themselves and their image. Because this is how everyone will view them now - as being overweight.
And for some reason it happens mainly with female actors. Walking Dead actress once threw same tantrum. When she gained a little weight after giving birth. And since she was always perfect wight Internet noticed her change. The she went to whine about it. Instead of ignoring it.
Never see men doing it. There were a lot of people not liking gay story in ep 3, not finding Nick Offerman at least sexy and perfectly looking. He was old and chubby. Nick Offerman didnt give a crap about it and proudly took his fame and glory. Because he doesnt give a crap that he is chubby and old. Thing with Melanie Lynskey and Walking Dead actress is that they know they are being overweight and they cant be in Hollywood in the roles they play but Melanie here is just too lazy to get in shape so she tries to shame people who shame her so that everyone would get off her back.
Melanie Lynskey has her 15 seconds of fame in the last year. By being in supporting role in all those tv shows. But it wont last lone if she wont get in shape, she cant Lead tv show. And she looked ridiculous and miscast here.
That woman from Twitter who Melanie Lynskey lashed at has valid points. While woke clowns jumped at her for not being supportive woman and not believing that women can be fierce leaders. She says:
"I am a realist. when sh&t hits the fan, I wont be in charge. My fellow females wont be. society will collapse and with it goes equality and feminism. it is my WORST fear, something like this happening...because i dont pretend us ladies are coming out on top. Women would be pillaged and traded. The truth is terrifying...which is why I prefer modern day society that has NOT collapsed"
Which exactly what will happen.Wokeism, social warriors, equality and feminism will go the moment apocalypse will start. Men will take charge and only few women would lead anything. And shy looking and scared women like Melanie Lynskey will not lead anything. No one will listen to her.
Modern day apocalypse shows still live like they think there would be wokeness in apocalypse. They think that society will collapse and there would be no police and violent gangs will rule everything. But they still think world will be woke and women like Melanie Lynskey will lead rebellions. LOL
You forgot veganism. That will be out the door as soon as its followers lose the luxury of choice.
"But they still think world will be woke and women like Melanie Lynskey will lead rebellions. LOL"
Imposing 21st century first world ideas on inappropriate situations, times, locations etc. just falls under bad writing. Unfortunately, bad writing is everywhere.
It's interesting also that this is the same group of people who think they're the intellectual pro-science crowd, as well. But when the science doesn't point to reality being very PC, then they decide the science is what's wrong, not their distorted view of it. Reality no longer matters. What we wish was reality takes its place.
They do this same stuff just in their views of real-world history. They've convinced themselves that Vikings, for instance, were all about equality and that half of their warriors were women (this isn't just for movies and TV; they actually believe this happened in real life). They think that Anne Bonny and Mary Reed were LGBT pioneers who rivaled Black Beard in their piracy, as opposed to just being the girlfriends of actual pirates like Jack Rackham who didn't really do anything (that we know of) particularly remarkable.
It's kind of funny, really, that their ideas of what it takes to be a valuable, powerful member of society is to just have a woman be a man (usually a violent man) by clunkily placing her in roles that clearly a man would fall into in reality. It's as if they don't actually value the important roles that women actually would play in things. That's one of the (many) things I appreciated about the HBO series, Rome. They managed to portray strong women characters in a realistic way by placing them in positions that women would actually likely have. And they portrayed the importance of those positions with the respect they deserved. For shows like this, however, if you're not toting around a gun, leading rebels, beating people up, and being cold-hearted and violent then what good are you?
Sounds like a smart reasonable woman & I don’t condemn her for expressing her point of view but of course a blind man could’ve told you what was going to happen & that she’d be shouted under her proverbial table so to speak. Now the woman had to delete her Twitter account because all the crazies have come out & I don’t think it was “harsh opinions” that made her do so but naturally many of them probably went overboard & started threatening her & taking it too far.
But I agree with her take on things. In old times, women were considered prizes & spoils of war. In a society, of ANY time where things just collapse, anything you think you’ve gained, a constitution, a bill of rights, the right to vote, respecting each others person & property just goes completely out the door & Ms. Curry was intelligent enough to realize she & a lot of other people were not going to have things in their favor & she’s right this regard. Women would be relegated to either property or “spoils” once again or second hand status & that’s putting it mildly.
Don’t like it? Don’t agree with me or Adrianne Curry? What are you going to do? Sue for harassment, call the cops, get a lawyer, call the news, take to social media to air out your grievances? In a world such as “The Last of Us” is based on that all goes out the f*ing door baby & we’re left on our own with only our basest instincts left. I’ve lived long enough to have learned that when the worst happens, then only the worst will be left standing. In that you can trust. “Only the good die young….or first” my friends.
COVID, while not the end of society, did give you a foretaste of what it could look like, a “glimpse” of how things can be & if you’re smart you’ll heed the lessons the pandemic taught us all.
Of all the stupid things to complain about in movie.
Why not complain about the fact that of all those movies that say they are based on a true story not a one of them ever comes within a million miles of the reality of the stories they are based on.
> The actress, who plays Kathleen on the HBO series, addressed a social media post that stated: "Her body says life of luxury."
That could be seen as in the world of her character there is something special about her as a leader that provokes respect and special treatment, and political power about her. This is just another continuing attack on women by braindead ( as opposed to woke ) loser writers who have to try to appeal to the neanderthals in his readership who hate woman are look for any excuse to slam them. So tired of that.
Don't like it, don't watch the show.
"Don't like it, don't watch the show."
Are you 10 years old? Just wondering.
"Don't like it, don't watch the show."
Reflect on this concept at 9pm EST, on HBO, on 3/26.
Her body composition to me is not the problem. This may be just a "me thing", but she doesnt seem like a very good actor. I get strong "porn acting" vibes from her when shes reciting her lines.
shareI'd say it's more that she had the personality of a supermarket cashier that just came back from a depression.
shareFrankly, I think a lot of these zombie apocalypse shows have actors who are too fat or well-nourished. If the producers want to be realistic and make their actors look ugly, that’s okay, but they should also look thin or gamey. And stop giving everybody unlimited ammo (who’s making the new bullets?) or cars that still run well (on 20+ year old gas?)
shareShe's miscast and it has nothing to do with her nice thicc body. She's just not threatening enough to earn a tough leader position.
And I like her in other roles, by the way.