MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > ‘The Last of Us’ Star Bella Ramsey Comes...

How nice. Hollyweird successfully indoctrinating them younger & younger into the latest alphabet credo.


She may as well come out as a Sagittarius.


Wonderful. More mental illness from that place which thinks it can entertain us.


I don't find you entertaining at all?


I think that's you


Sad really.
Just more mentally confused teens going with what's trendy to piss off the older generation and ruining their lives in the process.


Why is it sad? It affects you in no way and if she's happy with herself, good on her.

Headline may as well read 'Bella Ramsey can't decide between chicken or fish'.


They aren't usually happy with themselves, so they seek alternative lifestyles hoping that is the remedy.


She clearly isn’t happy with herself. Hence why shes has dysphoria over her, clearly, female gender.


It affects everyone, because if you have kids maybe they'll want to follow this trend... If they're infuenced easily like many people in Hollywood seem to be.

Then I want to see if you will pay for irreversible treatments and interventions to your kid, that in addition of making him a medical patient for life will cost you plenty of money.


If my kids are gay, lesbian, non binary, or whatever, there isnt a whole hell of a lot I can do about it. It's not my ideal picture of their lives but ill deal.

Besides, if that is the biggest issue they have to deal with, I consider that a win. I have a brother whose an in and out of jail drug addict despite us having a solid upbringing.and nobody else in our family messing with any of that. That possibility scares me way more gender fluidity.


That's precisely why it becomes their "struggle" - because they don't have one.

Their lives are so comfortable that the volume on things like this gets turned up.

Some people can't get clean drinking water. Some people live in war zones. Some people get gang raped on their way to the menstrual hut.

Do you think any of those people give a shit what gender they are?


Well, if your level of comparison is being in jail and a drug addict, I guess you can pretty much say anything and that won't really match that level.

Still, regarding your first paragraph, it says it all.
You can't do a lot about it, but if they weren't influenced by society into thinking these things are normal or even "cool" as Hollywood likes to demonstrate it, you also wouldn't need to.


Hopefully they/thems will place a double barrel in their mouth and pull


Gender Fluidity is BS. Who cares?
Her PR firm probably told her to do that get to attention to hype the show.
They test focus group these kinds of things with an eye to how much new audience will it attract.


Its sad because it is a delusion that currently is being validated by the left, which means the real issue goes untreated and the persons self-worth erodes further and further.

Suicide is extremely high in the "trans community" and it isn't because of "transphobia from Cis gendered people".
It is because their delusions of self are being actively encouraged rather than treated.

There is no such thing as Gender fluid. You are either Male, or you are Female. That's it.
You are not Mr Potato head with interchangeable parts and you cannot just mentally will yourself a penis or a vagina to suit however you feel like on a given day.


Yeah, the blabbering idiot on MovieChat who is an expert on trans decrees the truth. That is what's sad.




So what?


and what's the problem, why can't people live the lives they want?


Suppose they want to have sex with underage kids? That's the life they want...

Do we give it to them?

Liberals always say we have to believe the science: but they don't agree with then if it's XX or XY chromosomes. THOSE are what define your gender, NOT bad brain wiring.



That’s where it’s going… pedophilia will be the next letter in their disgusting alphabet soup


That's how less attractive people get jobs in Hollywood.




It's probably just a PR ploy. It's sad that that's where Hollywood is, these days.
