MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > One of the worst finales in the history ...

One of the worst finales in the history of TV

Right up there with Dexter and True Blood. A complete mishmash of inconsequential *beep* Uninvolving, tedious and as uninteresting as possible to achieve. Congrats to the creators for making something so impossibly incomprehensible and lackluster. Glad this pure trash is over. How far it fell from the excellence of the first season is mind boggling.


Good grief, we live in a society of hyperbole and extremes. Everything is the best or worst, nothing can be average. There are so many terrible finals in TV History (Lost, Seinfeld, Sopranos, Roseanne) so to say worst is a bit much especially considering the expectations for this show should not have been high like with the 4 shows I listed above.


Uh check the title again. I said one of the worst and I'll stand by that statement.


I'm about to watch it, I'm watching the previous and it's already hard to watch

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


Anyone remember Two and a Half Men? I'm not saying their finale was the worst, but it was horrible. Chuck Lorre decided to bring back Charlie, but not the actual Charlie. A cartoon Charlie, that was a hideous caricature of the character. And then they drop a piano on his head in the final few seconds. Like a big screw you to Charlie Sheen.


I dunno, the finale to Dexter was pretty god awful. As was True Blood... God dammit that dragged out. The only positive was that they FINALLY killed that piece of sh! t Bill.

And yes, How I Met Your Mother was utterly ridiculous. A prime example of a show ruined because of writers having a huge boner for a 'ship'.

The Heroes Reborn finale was pretty damn bad, but I have seen worse. The only good thing I took away from it was that Matt Parkman probably died still stuck in his car, cackling like a maniac.

"Smile, as$ hole" - Jessica Jones
