Right up there with Dexter and True Blood. A complete mishmash of inconsequential *beep* Uninvolving, tedious and as uninteresting as possible to achieve. Congrats to the creators for making something so impossibly incomprehensible and lackluster. Glad this pure trash is over. How far it fell from the excellence of the first season is mind boggling.
You should try Falling Skies... When everyone thought they could not sink any lower, we learnt they had kept all of their worst ideas for that sweet ending.
Agreed, that was pretty bad and hilarious when they whipped out the whole motivation of the invasion in the last 15 minutes and it basically goes against everything else in the whole series.
Apart from the fact it ignores pretty much everything that happens before it to introduce a character that's whole motivation for attacking earth is based on thousands of years old grudge......sooooo the real big bad (which was just introduced in the last 15 minutes of the whole series) figured it'd start wars with technologically advanced races, wait thousands and thousands of years to take out cave men they killed her mother...meanwhile that effectively mutes every other villian of the series and invasion plotline into nothing...ok then, yeah that's not worse than this at all...
The last 30 seconds were a kick in the teeth to the fans that have stuck by this series thru the good and bad seasons. Leaving it open ended like that and mentioning the father. WTF.
HIMYM was pretty horrible... but nothing ever will compare to the incomprehensible gobbly *beep* that was LOST.
That said, I enjoyed the Heroes Reborn finale. It tied up the entire season and left us with a little hint of what the next story would have been. Who knows... maybe we'll get a book or comic to continue the adventure.
Yes, I fully agree about Lost. But as for Heroes Reborn, we must have watched a different finale, because the one I saw didn't tie up almost anything at all.
Another thing that no one is talking about is how the people associated with this show even used characters like Hiro in the previews for the finale to not even have Hiro appear in the finale.
Also, funny how they announced the cancellation the week before the finale because they had no faith in it. It was so far gone before that.
Yeah, except they telegraphed the mother dying over a year before that. Hell, I didn't even watch most of the last season because I finally saw who the mother was and I just didn't care anymore.
Definitely. There were times during this 13 episode stretch where it started to get interesting, such as the return of Hiro and his time travel antics, I liked all that, and then he was gone and so was any quality the show had left, also, their time travel logic seemed to fly out the window after Hiro disappeared, weirdly ironic how that happened.
So many damn useless plots, and so much terrible acting from main characters such as Malina, damn she just made that finale even less bearable, I was literally cringing almost any time she opened her mouth to speak or scream like an imbecile.
The worst TV finale of all time, in my opinion, was Lost. But Heroes Reborn can have a spot in my Top 10, for sure.
But see LOST finale wanst that bad imo. The lost finale actually tied up the last season. it made perfect sense; however, what it didnt do was tie up the entire series and thats what pissed people off that they didnt explain seasons 1-5. If you went into that season not expecting them to explain half of their B.S. (I did) the finale wasnt that bad.
Heroes reborn was just an utter mess. Nothing made sense. It was just aweful.
I didn't expect them to tie up everything, I just wanted a good ending, not everyone being dead and accepting it and going off to heaven together or whatever that religious bullsh*t was.
It wasn't even just the finale, it was the whole 6th season that was utterly terrible, aside from some moments with Jin, Sun and Desmond, you know the moments I'm referring to.
I didn't have any expectations for it except for it to be on par with the quality of the 5 seasons that came before it, and it simply did not live up to that in any regard.
Definitely up there for me. - So Tommy can duplicate himself now? What? Why the *beep* did they write that into the show when he could just stop time and still save everyone with the exact same result?
- Tommy and Malina can suddenly shoot a massive beam of energy when they touch each other but they need someone between them as a conduit to do it successfully? That makes literally no sense at all.
- Luke and Phoebe's deaths were so painfully telegraphed right from the first few episodes, definitely could have been done better than THAT surely.
- The video game scenes were entirely unneeded.
- HRG did NOT need to be killed by that deus ex machina power at all, they could have used Quentin who was near by or - heck - even get Erica Kravitz to do it, why get HRG?! WTF?!
- "Save grandpa, save the world" "Save your sister, save the world" They really beat you over the head with references to the original Heroes which were just awkwardly written in and delivered.
- The finale confirmed that Latino Batman and his group were completely useless to the plot.
- Ending on a cliffhanger, even though Tim Kring had said from Day 1 that he wouldn't. And now Tim Kring has come out saying that was ALWAYS intended to be the final scene of Heroes. You stay classy Tim, you utter tool.