Q: What is the main thing you dislike about this show?
I don't dislike anything, but I am curious to hear other people think.
shareI don't dislike anything, but I am curious to hear other people think.
shareMost of the romantic subplots. Especially Blaine & Peyton, who aren't remotely believable onscreen.
Oh. And I'm *so* glad Lowell was killed off. Totally contrived character.
Well I can only speak for where I am... I've started watching iZombie on Stan (which is basically Australia's Netflix) and I'm currently on season 2 episode 1.
I loved season 1... but now episode 1 season 2 feels completely different (WAY over the top) and you all already know the answer but I really hope the rest of season 2 isn't like that.
In season one she got some subtle traits from the brains she ate - episode 1 season 2 she ate the brains of a grumpy old man and suddenly she's holding her back yelling "GET OFF MY LAWN" at everyone... WAY too much.
What did I dislike about this episode?
When Liv has a conversation with herself as she lines up to take the shot to kill Blaine, and she says "If I take this shot, I will be a killer, I will be just like him."
why do I dislike this? Because it perpetuates the false equivalence one so often hears from some people when they speak of violence; they fail to discriminate between evil violence and justifiable violence. To them there is no difference.
The person who uses violence to feloniously beat an old woman to death is in the wrong.
But to some people, the person who uses deadly force to stop the felonious assault is just as wrong, because he used violence to prevent a murder. "You cannot discriminate between good and bad violence" according to some people.
Liv makes the mistake of equating shooting a mass murderer to stop him with the mass murderer continuing to kill a lot more people.
Anyone who has not been indoctrinated with this viewpoint instinctively knows the difference, and realizes the one is wrong and the other is right.
In fact, these people know this when they experience a felonious assault in real life. There have been plenty of cases of people who espouse total non violence, or who espouse banning private gun ownership, etc. who, when faced with a violent attack upon themselves or their families resort to violence in self defense, or pull out a privately owned handgun and use it to stop a felonious violent attack, etc.
So I hated it when Liv suggested that stopping Blaine by shooting him would be no different than kidnapping and murdering hundreds of homeless children.
That is the main thing about this episode.
There is one more thing. Liv sometimes gets frustrated when her cop buddy Clive won't arrest someone or bring them in based solely on her visions, without any evidence. She knows Clive cannot cite her visions as evidence, and that if he did the defense lawyer could use that to get the case dismissed. Still she gets upset about it; as long as she believes she knows what happened, she thinks Clive should go arrest them.
(This is similar to that old show Medium where the psychic housewife expected her cop friend or her district attorney boss and friend to arrest people with no evidence. This was even more crazy since she had almost become a lawyer, had interned at the DA office, and knew what was required to legally arrest someone and to get a conviction. Why do writers make characters do this?)
Well in this show Liv becomes convinced that Max Rager is driving people nuts, and that the company making it is having people killed when they investigate this story. Clive agrees but tells her they have to collect evidence and develop a case before they can move on the billion dollar company. Liv does not disagree, but immediately she shows up at Max Rager headquarters and tells the CEO everything they have found out.
I don't know why the writers make Liv act like she has no intellect, like she cannot deal with frustration, etc. The writers of the show Medium wrote the lead woman in that show the same way, and she was trained as an attorney. Both of them are intelligent women. Why write them as emotionally labile and unable to understand basic rules of evidence?
I don't see the advantage in portraying these women as being unable to recognize basic rules of evidence, in making them appear stupid this way. I know writers need to develp conflict in a story so it doesn't get boring, but I think they could have shown these women as being frustrated with the seeming inability of the police to find the evidence needed to move on the information she has provided. That way she expresses emotion and creates conflict but doesn't come off looking so stupid.
Enough of this anti-liberal bull****. You don't see liberals constantly talking about how retrograde and ridiculous conservatives are,do you? Tired of bring talwadKeep your political opinions the fck out of these discussion, unless they're actually ABOUT politics. Conservatves do not alone have a claim on history,idealogy, or even morals, so get the fck out of here that nonsense. Enough of that s*** already. To quote an old folk song, this land was made for you and me, not just for fckg know-it-all conservatives.
I apologize activista,
I edited my comment to remove references to liberals. It was wrong to use that label anyway because I think that only a very small number of all liberals believe in a blind equivocation between felonious violence and justifiable use of lethal force, though that small number is quite vocal about their views.
I just hate to hear that viewpoint promoted; it makes no sense to suggest there is no difference between a murderer and a person who stops a murderer.
So, I removed the political references. Sorry about that.
My other point about the writers having prominent female characters who are quite intelligent and well educated acting as though ignorant of the need for evidence before effecting an arrest or obtaining a conviction, and how I hate to see them write those characters that way, was already apolitical.
I really do apologize for offending you.
When I watched the remake of the Bionic woman, I knew no one could replace Lindsay Wagner, and I hate Michelle Ryan. There was something off about Michelle anyway. Then they did an episode where she played a British student, and it just clicked. I then found out she was actually British and it hit me. The thing that was off about her was her struggle to lose her accent. I am feeling the same way about Rose, there is just something off about her, I thought it was the difficulty of playing multiple roles or maybe the over acting, but it just may be her struggle with losing the accent
I thought it was the difficulty of playing multiple roles or maybe the over acting, but it just may be her struggle with losing the accent
100% agree with you on that one. Completely baffled me as to how she could compare her killing a serial killer to him killing tens if not hundreds of innocent people.
I get the why behind why he does these killings; to feed the zombies without them all going crazy and starting an apocalypse BUT, he's the one turning these people so he can get money out of them! So I'm not understanding her logic AT ALL for why she didn't end him right there and then.
Of course it has a lot to do with storyline and you can hardly kill off the main villain so early in the show but still, if we're looking at it from a slightly realistic perspective in the world they've made for this show, it made no sense whatsoever.
I'm so glad someone actually said this, I didn't want to start a whole new post about it but it really bothered me.
I also agree that she should know better about how evidence and cases work and that there would be nothing tying these people to the crimes, before Clive collects the evidence against them, if it wasn't for her visions.
One thing that does kinda bother me though is pretty much all the murderers just confess at the end. I'm aware it's usually once Clive has presented them with all the evidence pointing to them and he has them over a barrel before they admit to it but just once I would love to see someone not want to go to prison and say 'well let's take this to court cos it's your word against mine'. It will more than likely not go the criminals way at all but seeing them ALL get this resigned look on their face and a pad and pen getting handed to them is just a little 'oh for pete's sake' to me. Anything can happen once the case goes to trial, but no one tries to even get it there.
Liv pissed me off when she didn't kill Blaine. Her not killing him caused more problems down the road.
One more goof is the stuff Major use to knock out zombies. It would never work that instantly, because the zombies blood don't circulate like normal human's(heart beats once every 6 seconds.
Liv has always felt underdeveloped to me. It seems like she's so busy being the character for whoever she ate that she she has no time to really develop her own consistent traits except "I need to fix the zombies (but the smart Indian guy does all the work because for some reason I don't know science, even though I went to medical school".
Those seven years of MacGyver finally payed off
That there aren't already more episodes to watch :(
shareThe actor that plays Major, Robert Buckley. He always sounds like he's reading his lines. Could be due to his rather monotone voice, or just bad acting in general. He's as exciting as unbuttered toast.
shareif rumours are true the fact they are getting rid of the procedural format.
**Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Turn away from sin and to Christ**
The procedural format needs to go away. It is by far the least interesting part of the show. I know shows like Burn Notice successfully pulled off transitioning from Client-of-the-Week to a more serialized show. I hope iZombie follows suit.
My only gripe is I hate how they have handled Blaine. He was such a cool and interesting villain and they randomly turned him into a lame, boring pussy who is just a good guy to create a love triangle between Blaine, Peyton and Ravi.
The thing about blaine is they obvisouly did it so they could keep charachter around. When most writers try to keep good character around they usually change them from being a good quality character to bad because he is no longer the same character we like.
**Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. Turn away from sin and to Christ**
I get that but it still ruined what made the character so fun.
Snarky, amoral, funny, dickhead, sociopath, one-liner machine Blaine was so awesome. He was the reason I got into this show in this first place. Amnesiac, boy scout, nice guy Blaine really hurt this show in a lot of ways. You took the most interesting and entertaining character of them all and cut his nuts off.
The procedural format needs to go away. It is by far the least interesting part of the show. I know shows like Burn Notice successfully pulled off transitioning from Client-of-the-Week to a more serialized show. I hope iZombie follows suit.
My only gripe is I hate how they have handled Blaine. He was such a cool and interesting villain and they randomly turned him into a lame, boring pussy who is just a good guy to create a love triangle between Blaine, Peyton and Ravi.
Yeah, I have to agree on the procedural format, it's really quite boring. I was sick with the flu recently so I spent a couple of days on the couch just binge-watching season 2, and noticed that every episode was structured in the same way: murder happens, montage of Liv making a dish featuring the victim's brains, Liv goes around acting like a parody of the murder victim, etc etc etc. And yes, most of the murderers are dull as dishwater.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
if anything I'd say the sex. other than that one of my most favoritest shows.
if you don't have anything nice to say ...you're probably a butthole