Q: What is the main thing you dislike about this show?
I don't dislike anything, but I am curious to hear other people think.
shareI don't dislike anything, but I am curious to hear other people think.
shareIn season 1 I wasnt too big on Major. But they have really developed his character MUCH more now.
My only complaint now is.... there arent enough episodes.
The main & recurring secondary cast, loving every one of them so far.
It really has become one of my top 3 shows pretty quickly.
Major and Liv possibly being endgame. No chemistry. I love her interactions with everyone but him. I am sure he is a fine actor... but I don't think the actor is a good fit for this role. I have watched from the beginning and hoped I would come around. But I just don't see him in the role of Liv's one and only.
I am glad they gave him more to do on the show: undercover with the bad guys and trying to hide the truth from everyone. But I don't see him as the leading man type here.
And NOBODY in all of Oz,
No wizard that there is or was,
Is ever gonna bring me down!
Yeah I know, like Lowell and Drake I feel like were so much better for her and more interesting too. Major is just really bland to me and is better as a stand alone character, not Liv's love interest.
share+1 to this! But in all honestly, with Drake gone now it looks like it's where the plot is going. I hope they wouldn't though, Liv has literally more chemistry with everyone than Major.
shareThere's nothing I particularly dislike about the show. But it is missing something. The episodes are stronger when dealing with the overall super plot. The last three or four eps have been absolutely terrific. I think think they've taken the premise they've established about as far as they can go with it. Stretching out this case of the week angle and these nefarious little schemes from Blaine and Max is on the verge of becoming tiresome. I'd like to see the show evolve and establish a stronger supernatural tone with greater mythology and philosophical exploration as in the comic.
"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
I like it for the most part because of the humour and quirkiness.
The procedural part is ok; some of Liv's character changes have been golden. Others not so much.
The actress playing Peyton is gorgeous. The character would have been more interesting as something else than a super-achieving career-woman. Not because there is something wrong with that, but because it limits her too much.
The lead trio have good chemistry and enables more dynamic writing.
The main problem with the show is the drug dealer angle. The attempt to bring some thrills to the show by introducing a badder bad guy than Blaine (Boss) ultimately failed. Blaine has been largely stagnant until he lost his memory, which is a rather soapy trick to pull by the way.
I think that a much more relevant main storyline would be to prevent full-scale zombie outbreaks leading to the apocalypse. With a militant zombie general being introduced as the new villain, I think that is exactly what is going to happen next season. I think "new" Blaine, who might possibly be an alright guy when the memories of his father and childhood are gone, will help preventing the ZA.
This might be a good call for the show, but if they lose the humour, quirkiness and playfulness it might also be the beginning of the end of the show.
I enjoyed shows like Chuck, Warehouse 13, Supernatural and others in the past, before they lost the silliness and became serious. The two first ended after just a few seasons, mostly because all the fun was gone. I also enjoyed Hannibal and Breaking Bad; two excellent shows - but not something you put on when you eat dinner or just want to relax after a hard day at work. iZombie is that kind of show, and I hope that they remember that when the stakes are higher next season.
I love the show, but have some minor issues with the plot:
- finding the cure for zombi-ism should be priority#1, yet Liv does nothing about it; Ravi does, but he never calls another scientist for help or anything; I get that telling people is risky, but it's a risk worth taking
-Major lied too much and covered up for Du Clark instead of taking him out (and his daughter out); it was clear he would come after him and Liv sooner or later
-zombi-ism almost never spread by accident; none of those infected by Blaine ever had unprotected sex or a broken condom or accidentally scratched someone
-I'm surprised Mr. Boss never got involved, because he should've figured out someone weird was happening in his town, since several of his men got killed or beaten up by zombies; not to mention Blaine's resurrection
-Rita and Drake's storylines had a lot of potential, but their end was pretty anti-climatic
This is one the rare shows where there's nothing that I truly dislike. It's a fun 40 minute diversion from reality.
sharethey have a habit of killing off characters with potential and dropping plot points i'm intersted in with little resolution.
shareI'm half-way trough season 2 and mostly I dislike some specific story elements/devices.
First of all, aside from Lowell, no other Zombie than Liv has ever had anywhere near the level of personality traits from the brains they eat. (At least up until mid season 2)
Blaine or any of his customers never got street-kid attitude or anything else that interfered with their life to the extent that Liv does. Especially in season 2, she has started to become a completely other person when eating a brain. Like in episode 11 in season 2 she completely loses all control from eating the brain of a sex fixated librarian.
Previously a brain got her secondary personality traits that slipped out now and then. Now they are her default personality and her own takes a back seat. And this only happens to her. They use it as a major plot device but completely ignore it in all other aspects of the show.
Which brings me to my second objection to the show. They mainly rely on the Liv-only side effects to drive her story forward and creating tension instead of finding some natural way for the story to progress. Instead of getting clever with the story elements they've established already, everything since the start of season 2 regarding Liv's storyline has been decided by the characteristics of the brain she ate that week. And it is always the worst possible brain for the situation she's currently in. This might have been acceptable if this was the main problem for all zombies in the show, but it is only a problem for her. You don't see Blaine eating a nun's brain and promptly going to the police to confess to all his crimes and schemes. The other zombies only get the memory part.
So far they also seem to be one of those shows, that are afraid of moving away from the status quo. Basically everything in the intro still holds true for all characters. Ravi is helping her, Major is still the ex due to the idiotic use of brain-eaters-personality-disorder, that only applies to Liv, and Clive making her a passive partner in the investigations lasted all of 20 minutes of an episode.
I really dislike this too. I've never seen any kind of change of personality in Blaine or Major when they eat brains. Like Liv used to in S1, they'll get a couple character traits or a bit of knowledge from the brains but little else. Major knew how to play the drums in one of the latest episodes of S2 just like Liv did but that was the only embodiment of the brain that he showed. The only time I can even remember Blaine taking on knowledge is when both he and Liv had some of the scientist that used to work at Max Rager; when talking to Ravi about updating the cure they had all these scientific terms which in turn helped Ravi make Cure2, but that is the only example I can think of off the top of my head.
I get that it makes it a more entertaining show to see Liv portray all these different personality types throughout the season (and I believe she does a very good job at this) but 'realistically' it makes no sense that the brains only effect her in this way and no other zombie.
When she had some of the brain of the women she and Peyton went to college with that did dare devil like excursions and ended up dying when she jumped from a plane, the most I can remember Liv doing is riding a bike to and from work and being a little more free with where she rode. That was close to the beginning of S1. If that episode were to come on towards the end of S2 however, they probably would have made her jump out of a plane herself, start riding a motorcycle at 150mph and start talking as if everything was a challenge she needed to complete, wearing different clothes or something equally as drastic. Not sure why they felt the need to exaggerate the effects of eating the brain, I thought it worked perfectly in S1.