Don't understand the audience for this?
First off (whilst not the greatest fan of of MCU) I get that these films are profitable enough, but I don't quite get the hype around something as (essentially) as bare-boned as this?
Other than the (atypical) CGI set-pieces, are audiences (especially men) really going to see this, based on their attraction for Miss Johansson?
I only ask, because the majority of the posts around here (and other online sites) are based around her physical attributes (as opposed to 'plot' or 'script' or 'direction') which (if true) is a little worrying?
Is this where 'cinema' is nowadays? I'm amazed that 'UNDER THE SKIN' wasn't a bigger hot (given it's content) or do the fans only like to see her, under heavy CGI (and/or Photoshop?)