MovieChat Forums > The Lobster (2015) Discussion > Which animal would you choose?

Which animal would you choose?

Let's say you exist in this film's reality, loneliness wins out and you're forced to choose an animal form before being shipped out to the woods... which form do you choose? Also, which form do you think would be the most popular with those destined to that fate?


None. I'd tell those fascist bastards to pound sand, and then I'd make a run for it. If they caught me I'd try to kill as many as I could before they killed me.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


river otter. they mate for life. stay together as a family. For All Things Selma Blair


Tarantulas live a long time, so do parrots, elephants... so probably not something that was easy to kill but that lived a while.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


Tarantulas??? Yuck!!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


of course, Turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish

"What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof" (Euclid)


That is a very strange choice, Suskis.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Why? It's the only living being that lives forever. Not a bad feat!

"What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof." (Euclid)


Human . . .


An excellent choice, sanstereo!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I guess I'd like to be an elephant, because they have wonderful familial relationships that I have not experienced as a human. Plus I like stomping around and knocking things over. It would be fun to tear down trees.

On the other hand, it'd be sensible to be some sort of large bird that can escape the *beep* up world this movie is set in. I don't think elephants could escape by swimming, unfortunately. As well there's the problem of being hunted for tusks.

But I'd like to experience elephant life. No real predators but those nasty humans.


A unicorn or a fire breathing dragon!


I think I'd choose a falcon for the majestic flying, but your question brings to mind a thing that happened in my life, which was strange. When my older son was a little boy, about 8, I think, he had a class assignment to write an essay on what kind of animal he would choose to be if he could be one, and why. We got a note from his teacher, who was a little worried about him when she read his essay. He wrote that he wouldn't want to be any animal because, if he became one, he would have an animal brain, which would probably mean he would lack self-awareness. Without self-awareness, he wouldn't understand his situation and would be therefore unable to know to switch back to a human when he was done being the animal he had become. They were really worried and wanted him to see the district psychologist. They worried that his answer could be an early warning sign he was emotionally disturbed. His father and I saw it as profoundly existential thinking. We were kind of blown away. He's always been a deep thinker, that one.
