Ash vs Evil Dead or this

From Dusk till Dawn is waaaaaaaaaay better than Ash vs Evil Dead. Anyone agree?


Why choose I love them both


I like them both but ED wins by a considerable margin, because humor, and because Bruce Campbell.



sry, Ash is better


I don't think one has to be better than the other but this is my favourite. I was a huge favourite of the Evil Dead series, I did enjoy the tv show but I guess my expectations were a bit too high.


Ash Vs the Evil dead is superior. The premise is also way different.. FDTD is a story retold. Ash vs evil dead picks up a storyline.


So, I've only seen the first Evil Dead movie and thought it was pretty terrible. But, people are saying the TV series is good? So, even if I didn't like the movie would I like the TV series?


i didn't like any of the original evil dead but i enjoyed the remake, the first season was okay some of the episodes where better than the others the second season so far has been pretty good


It's nothing like the first two movies


Why can't you just enjoy them both? Why does it have to be black or white?


It doesn't have to be black and white. That's right. But! While I enjoy both I'd say Ash is better since it offers genuine scary moments, great humor and gracious gore(yeah sometimes overdone). As for FDTD it was awesome until Kate turned into a badass demon. It's not her fault as an actress, it's just that goth makeup can't make her scary or serious villain.


Thats your prerogative. I would replace the phrase "is better" with "I like more" though. All this stuff is totally subjective, and everyone is entitled to their opinions. Somewhere out there somebody likes 50 shades of grey more than citizen kane.

That being said, the OP is clearly taking a position of "this or that"; Much like Marvel vs. DC, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, LOTR vs. Potter, etc. To that I say, why aren't we able to enjoy both and/or all? I find it odd people need to validate their opinions by putting them above others.


No mate. Ash is really better than From Dusk Till Dawn in every terms
Sometimes I think FDTD may be done by an amateur crew and writers. Too much pathos in it. There are times the story gets so lame I am worried it may be cancelled soon. It clearly looks like the creators don't know which direction they wanna go. That's why the story changes each season without reaching a single goal.

Ash may be cheesy but it is a deliberate move while FDTD is not.




idk i found the first series hard to watch of ash vs evil dead but season 2 has improved it doesn't make me think i cant wait for next weeks episode where with FDTD especially with season 3 im always wanting more it's funny at times the vampires look really good while AVED the monsters look as cheesy as the series it self it's not a terrible show but it's not a show that i would be disappointed if it got cancelled but with the faith the network has with this show and budget it clearly has i don't see that happening anytime soon


This topic was started because JRGASS03 and I got into a debate over the better show.



I only made it through a few episodes of Ash vs Evil Dead before quitting.

if you don't have anything nice to say're probably a butthole


This is a joke... right? Ash vs Evil Dead is better than From Dusk till Dawn in almost every possible way. AVED brings back the original star & most of the creative team, and actually makes interesting additions that build on the original story, without just relying fanservice-y callbacks/references (as much as I love Tom Savini, his cameo in FDTD seemed really gratuitous/pointless). In other words, it's a proper sequel - while FDTD (especially the first season) seems more like a mediocre remake of the original film, but with mostly C-list TV actors & a 5-10x running time. Remove the occasional F-bomb & some of the gore from FDTD, and it wouldn't seem the least bit out of place as a CW show.

There also isn't a single actor in the cast of FDTD who can hold a candle to Bruce Campbell (except maybe Savini & Danny Trejo, and they only had fairly short cameos); and even if you removed Campbell, it would still be a close call. And while Sam Raimi isn't exactly at his peak, he hasn't fallen anywhere near as far as Robert Rodriguez (Spy Kids, anyone?).

The comparison isn't even fair. AVED is essentially a model of the right way to do a film-to-TV transition/adaptation, while FDTD is an almost perfect model of the wrong way to do it.
