When you are welcomed and accepted into a culture, it is not appropriating.
Words have meanings, you can't go around making up your own definition. Nowhere in the discussion or definition of Cultural Appropriation does it mention welcome and acceptance into a culture. Rand's acceptance is determined by white writers, not the best endorsement.
When you take all the trappings of Asian culture (they don't get a pass for using the fictional K'un-L'un, like Asian dress, architecture, and Asian art that's cultural appropriation. What you're saying is, "We appreciate a lot of things about Asian culture, just not the people. Therefore, let's tell a white man's story."
The same thing was done to African-Americans in the past. White artists would re-record current the songs of Black artists and find greater success, because a white boy singing the song was more palatable to white audiences, esp parents.
Lou Pearlman, boy band founder did the same thing. He saw the immense popularity of Black boy groups like the Jackson 5, New Edition, and Boyz 2 Men. He realized he could make an even bigger boy band by copying those groups, but have white singers. So he created all white boy bands that mimicked the style and sound of the black groups knowing that white parents would find it much more acceptable for their girls to have posters of white males on their wall and white kids would me more comfortable expressing appreciation of the Backstreet Boys and N'sync.
An instance of the majority saying, "We like Black music and they sure can dance. We just have a problem with Black people."
Much of the popularity and acceptance of Eminem, the Beastie Boys, and Vanilla Ice was because they were white.
Which is why I'm sure Luke Cage is going to be successful. Unless you envision that every black person is going to tune in, and every white Marvel fan will just ignore it and pretend black people don't exist because they're all the evil racists you think everyone is.
Oh no, I'm going to do the facts thing again. All things being equal Luke Cage would be more popular if he was white.
As Morris noted, nonwhite actors played major roles in only two of the 30 top-grossing films of 2010. Studio executives believe white audiences prefer to see white characters, while black audiences want to see black characters, so they increasingly make films for each demographic.
Are they being too cynical? Newly published research on racial statistics in the realm of the entertainment industry suggests the answer is, sadly, no.
“The higher the percentage of black actors in the movie, the less interested white participants were in seeing the movie,” Weaver reports. “Importantly, this effect occurred regardless of participants’ racial attitudes or actors’ relative celebrity.”
That's why we see so many white characters in stories that really shouldn't be about them.http://www.psmag.com/books-and-culture/why-whites-avoid-movies-with-black-actors-30890 Netflix's Iron Fist should be Chinese! Make it so.