MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > The Iron Fist Race Debate...

The Iron Fist Race Debate...

On many other forums lately people have been split on Iron Fist casting. Some people think it's a good opportunity for Marvel to cast somebody Asian while others think it's just silly to change his origin at all.

In response to that, here is an interesting article covering both sides of the arguement. What does everyone else think?


I don't consider myself racist. But when adapting existing character into other media, they should be as close as possible to the original material.

I mean if we are fine with changing Iron Fist into asian, we should be ok with changing Luke Cage to white, right? No, that would be racist.

Or for example I'm writing a book based on History and change Nixon to black, just because there aren't much racial diversity in the history. No that would do either.

Or we can even go further and change Iron Fist into female. Because there aren't that many female heroes, right?

So again... when adapting something, the character should stay as close as possible to the source material. Whether it's a he, she, white, black, asian, or alien.


I don't think any racists consider themselves racist.

Anyway, Nixon is not a fictional character. Luke Cage's ethnicity is central to his character. Bad examples.

"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."


Though, more and more it seems that the ethnicity of minorities are integral to their character, while the white guy's ethnicity is not integral to the character.


In comics the ethnicity of a character is a conscious decision. When they make a character that is not their default race (white) it's because they want to make a character of that particular ethnicity and consequently that ethnicity becomes an important part of the character. Which is unfortunate because that's why so many ethnic characters are stereotypical. Black characters are often from the ghetto and even heroes like Luke Cage start out as criminals. Asian characters are often martial artists, samurai, ninjas, or scientists. Native Americans are often shaman.


True, the both of you. It's clear where the problem lies. Most famous superheroes are from a time when diversity was not a concern. If creators were to do as some say and create new non-white characters, the likelihood of them becoming as popular as Batman and Captain America are pretty low. Those classic characters have had decades upon decades to build an audience, not to mention top tier creators taking turns giving them memorable stories.

"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."


I say we make Luke Cage Chinese, and then mix it up with the rest. So that whatever race the characters originally are is different. Then we can all claim we are PC and not racist. Everyone wins or loses, depending on your perspective. 😀


Iron fist should definitely be portrayed by an asian american. The media has a long history of grossly mis-and under-representing asian americans. There are almost no visible asian american lead actors in the media because they are RARELY casted. THe argument that casting a iron fist as an asian american is stereotyping is simply ridiculous - if it's a positive stereotype, there is nothing wrong with it. I find it really funny how a lot of presumably white commentators are arguing that the character should be white to stay true to the characters origins, yet these same people are also completely okay with whitewashed films such as the dragon ball evolution movie, aloha film and dozens if not hundreds others where asian characters are played by white protagonists.

This is Marvel's opportunity to make things right and I really hope that they cast an asian american.


The media has a long history of grossly mis-and under-representing asian americans

less than 5% of Americans are asian. So they are probably pretty accurately represented.

I find it really funny how a lot of presumably white commentators are arguing that the character should be white to stay true to the characters origins, yet these same people are also completely okay with whitewashed films such as the dragon ball evolution movie

This is the problem when you start pulling things out of your ass. I saw the same thing said with The Last Airbender. I have never seen anyone claim either of those movies were anything but terrible. One of the reasons presumably being that the people who made them had zero respect for the source material. You are taking an example of an awful film, and saying Marvel should follow that example. Well done.


These same people are the first to say that if they were a minority they'd be offended if "fill-in-the-blank" character was changed. Well, they're not. They've spent their entire lives seeing people that look like them having grand fictional adventures and saving the world. Marvel has had more movies starring white guys named Chris than films led by minorities combined.

They pushed back Black Panther to give us another Spiderman movie, the 6th. People have been clamoring for BP for years, but Antman debuts first. Antman!

Iron Fist's story originates in an Asian like country/world. He's the best person at an Asian art form. But he's white. 

Netflix's Iron Fist should be Chinese! Make it so.


Iron fist should definitely be portrayed by an asian american. The media has a long history of grossly mis-and under-representing asian americans. There are almost no visible asian american lead actors in the media because they are RARELY casted. THe argument that casting a iron fist as an asian american is stereotyping is simply ridiculous - if it's a positive stereotype, there is nothing wrong with it. I find it really funny how a lot of presumably white commentators are arguing that the character should be white to stay true to the characters origins, yet these same people are also completely okay with whitewashed films such as the dragon ball evolution movie, aloha film and dozens if not hundreds others where asian characters are played by white protagonists.

I love how people take things like "Where r deh Azziuns!?!" and take away all logic, context and nuance from the discussion and make it nothing but a race issue.


I don't consider myself racist.

I know this is like 15 years old but I had to comment here. First if you have to start a statement with "I'm not a racist but..." you're already in trouble.

But when adapting existing character into other media, they should be as close as possible to the original material.

I mean if we are fine with changing Iron Fist into asian, we should be ok with changing Luke Cage to white, right? No, that would be racist.

I agree, the original material should stay the same until it shouldn't anymore. Comics entered the mainstream during the 1950's and 1960's. During that time 99% of all characters were depicted as White. THAT was because of racism. The industry believed no one would buy a comic or anything that depicts a non-White person as anything but a servant and especially not as a hero. Therefore the racism is in the original material. This is why you would have Asian culture depicted by a White man. It's an insult to the Asian's who should have been depicted based on their own culture. But at the time the industry didn't care. Everything had to be White. Again the thinking of even creating these characters were engrained racism. To change the characters now is correcting that mistake. No it's not necessary to change every character and again I agree with you but some of your beloved characters must be changed to correct something that should have never been the rule in the first place.

Or for example I'm writing a book based on History and change Nixon to black, just because there aren't much racial diversity in the history. No that would do either.

Or we can even go further and change Iron Fist into female. Because there aren't that many female heroes, right?

First there is a ton of history for which Blacks and others were a major part of it but you have not been taught about them. For one Bass Reeves - who is the real lone ranger but his race was changed in the fictionalized version of him. Ever wonder why he wears a Black mask. Yes, that's why.

Anytime in history of the world and especially America there were Blacks as a major part of that history. But you have been deceived by your own education. Unless you take the time to learn about them yourself you will think there is no history that included non-Whites. But even someone like you should be concerned as to whether only White created American history could possibly be true.

I write books as well so I know what you're talking about. But as a writer I know you understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is not a "real" depiction even if it's based on real events. But when we are talking about real people, in this case Nixon, you are depicting a real person and therefore should never be changed to a Black person. But again we are not talking about made up characters. They can be any race depending upon what your story is about and not what the character is. As a writer you should know the White race shouldn't be the default position. Racism comes in when you can only depict people in your book as Black because you are writing a stereotyped Black character. You can write a Black character with all the same characterization as a White character UNLESS you are making it about race. In that case you have to be very careful because your depiction can be racist. Should you make a male character female? Sure, if you're writing a character that's not solely based on something only a female or male can do than sure, write the character as female.

So again... when adapting something, the character should stay as close as possible to the source material. Whether it's a he, she, white, black, asian, or alien.

Yes it should. Unless the original material was only because of racism or sexism in the determination of what the character will look like, then it's should be and changing the race or sex will appeal to a wider audience, therefore create more attention to the work and is the right thing to do in all areas.


I don't consider myself racist but I can detect a closet racist when I see one.


Like seriously... who capitalizes blacks and most of all who even uses the term "Black" to define a race or person? That's like something I'd expect my great grandpa to say but in this day and age wtf m8... all I have to say is it's been a while since I've seen someone repeatedly called peeps of the African descent black, that is so racist. It's like calling an Asian YELLOW. LET'S HAVE A YELLOW PERSON PLAY AS DANNY GUYS!! It's only fitting because his costume is already green and Yellow.



And I suppose you believe the term "African American" is a politically correct term for black people?

The people of Jamaica, Haiti, and indigenous Australians would like a word with you.

Black has returned to being the most commonly used term, in case you haven't noticed.

But I suppose I should go check my white privilege.

A man never truly knows what happiness is until he gets married... and by then it's too late.


Well spoken!

Okay so I need to establish the themes... Banana-nut. That's a good muffin.


But that's the problem with people wanting to make Iron Fist Asian, the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of a martial artist is an Asian person, which is kind of stereotypical. Surely it's cooler then if Danny Rand is rich, white guy. Isn't it kind of racist to suggest Iron Fist can't be a white guy.

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”


Why is it only a problem when it's a minority associated with a stereotype? A stereotype that isn't negative and a stereotype only because white people refused to show them any other way.

How many billionaire genius white guys superheroes fill our movie and tv screens? That's not problematic? How many shy highly intelligent scrawny white males get bestowed with a magic radiation blast, radioactive spider bite, etc. and suddenly become quippy and cocky superheroes.

White heroes can be just as stereotypical, the difference is that there are so many white heroes, their tropes aren't focused on.

Netflix's Iron Fist should be Chinese! Make it so.


You do know that Spider-man's cockiness is an act that his quipping is hiding right? And you ignore that Shang Chi is the Asian Iron Fist. And before you say something about more than 1 Asian, don't forget that there is Melinda May and the half Asian Quake.

"The truth is offensive to men who love darkness."- Orholam, The Broken Eye


It's arguable if it's an act or not. I could see him using false bravado when fighting someone like Doc Ock, but he also mocks car thieves. Marvels Agents of Shield is an ensemble show. I praise them having more than one Asian character, but that is not comparable to having a feature film or tv show with an Asian protagonist.

We have nearly a dozen solo films starring white people and we can't get one single property starring an Asian or Hispanic person? We can do better. Minority people are people, not sidekicks.

And you ignore that Shang Chi is the Asian Iron Fist

I've ignored nothing. Instead of us giving us the cultural appropriating white Danny Rand give is a Shang Chi series and make Danny the supporting cast member. Why wouldn't they? Because white people have a difficult time emphasizing with non-whites.

Netflix's Iron Fist should be Chinese! Make it so.


When you are welcomed and accepted into a culture, it is not appropriating. Try a little harder next time. Your rotator cuff hasn't been torn from all this reaching.

Because white people have a difficult time emphasizing with non-whites.

Which is why I'm sure Luke Cage is going to be successful. Unless you envision that every black person is going to tune in, and every white Marvel fan will just ignore it and pretend black people don't exist because they're all the evil racists you think everyone is.

Bring Jeff Lemire back to Green Arrow


When you are welcomed and accepted into a culture, it is not appropriating.

Words have meanings, you can't go around making up your own definition. Nowhere in the discussion or definition of Cultural Appropriation does it mention welcome and acceptance into a culture. Rand's acceptance is determined by white writers, not the best endorsement.

When you take all the trappings of Asian culture (they don't get a pass for using the fictional K'un-L'un, like Asian dress, architecture, and Asian art that's cultural appropriation. What you're saying is, "We appreciate a lot of things about Asian culture, just not the people. Therefore, let's tell a white man's story."

The same thing was done to African-Americans in the past. White artists would re-record current the songs of Black artists and find greater success, because a white boy singing the song was more palatable to white audiences, esp parents.

Lou Pearlman, boy band founder did the same thing. He saw the immense popularity of Black boy groups like the Jackson 5, New Edition, and Boyz 2 Men. He realized he could make an even bigger boy band by copying those groups, but have white singers. So he created all white boy bands that mimicked the style and sound of the black groups knowing that white parents would find it much more acceptable for their girls to have posters of white males on their wall and white kids would me more comfortable expressing appreciation of the Backstreet Boys and N'sync.

An instance of the majority saying, "We like Black music and they sure can dance. We just have a problem with Black people."

Much of the popularity and acceptance of Eminem, the Beastie Boys, and Vanilla Ice was because they were white.

Which is why I'm sure Luke Cage is going to be successful. Unless you envision that every black person is going to tune in, and every white Marvel fan will just ignore it and pretend black people don't exist because they're all the evil racists you think everyone is.

Oh no, I'm going to do the facts thing again. All things being equal Luke Cage would be more popular if he was white.

As Morris noted, nonwhite actors played major roles in only two of the 30 top-grossing films of 2010. Studio executives believe white audiences prefer to see white characters, while black audiences want to see black characters, so they increasingly make films for each demographic.

Are they being too cynical? Newly published research on racial statistics in the realm of the entertainment industry suggests the answer is, sadly, no.

“The higher the percentage of black actors in the movie, the less interested white participants were in seeing the movie,” Weaver reports. “Importantly, this effect occurred regardless of participants’ racial attitudes or actors’ relative celebrity.”

That's why we see so many white characters in stories that really shouldn't be about them.

Netflix's Iron Fist should be Chinese! Make it so.


It's a choice of cliches isn't it? It's either the White Savior or the All Asians Are Martial Artists trope. I'd keep him the blonde, blue-eyed rich white guy to maintain the dynamic of his friendship with Luke Cage. The show should have plenty of Asian martial artists (Lei-Kung, Steel Serpent, Colleen Wing, etc.) without making Danny Asian as well.

I wouldn't expect to see a Shang Chi project anytime soon because getting the movie and/or telelvision rights to Fu Manchu could be problematic.


Don't forget Misty Knight, Colleen Wing's partner in the Daughters of the Dragon.

Bad grammar makes you look very stupid


Nope. The character of Shang Chi was created around the same time for that exact purpose... Dont start mixing & matching characters and drastically affecting their origins & backround simply to satisfy a feeling or make a shortcut.


By Asian-American do you mean someone who has Asian and White parents? A mix? Because then that wouldn't change the origins. I'm for the idea of having asian origins to help with the whole martial arts background.. but the American half giving him cause for being in America and fighting crime... that way it isn't just some American dude who was taught martial arts in some special place far away.

I mean they changed Nick Fury to be black and.. well.. Black Fury owns it lol. Then there has been the change of Johnny Storm - Human Torch - as black in the new Fox version of Fantastic Four (which from the trailer the movie looks absolutely horrible...) and yeah I wasn't a huge fan of that. Mostly because he has a defined way of looking.... and everyone loves the human torch.

But having Iron Fist have asian origins would definitely make sense with the productions. I would prefer an asian/white guy with blonde hair... but what are the chances of finding someone who has that AND can do martial arts?? Brown hair is more dominant...

But yeah I like the idea of a mixed asian white dude doing the whole Iron Fist thing.. :)

I would miss the blond hair though.... but then again, I'm a girl and it's my weakness. Along with Iceman. :P


Iron Fist is one of the few characters whose race does matter. Most of his origin story is wrapped up in being a Stranger in a Strange Land, or Fish Out of Water.

I don't normally give a crap about race changes, because character races rarely matter. But I.F. is one of the exceptions, ala Sunfire, Black Panther, Ororo, etc. His race is part of the defining context of his origin story.

Beyond that, the idea that the MCU's only Asian lead is a Kung Fu master seems a lot more offensive to me than staying true to the origins. I wouldn't care about switching a race-neutral character to Asian but not one whose race matters to the origin. Bullseye? Sure. Tombstone? Have at it. Dr. Strange? Have a frickin ball!

But race-changing Rand to Asian is not only kind of pissing on one of the big themes of his origin, it's also pigeonholing Asian actors into the same stereotype they've faced for decades.

Beyond just that, it would change the dynamic of his relationship with Luke Cage. The whole point of their friendship is that they come from drastically different backgrounds... Over-privileged White Rich Guy and Impoverished, Wrongly-Accused Black Guy form an unlikely friendship and provide each other perspective.

I don't care about Luke Cage or Iron Fist solo that much, but that dynamic between them is central to their appeal.


Its simple you just got ask yourself when you think of Danny Rand do you think White Guy or just a skilled martial artist?I would say yeah when I think of Danny Rand I think of a white guy. Same thing goes for characters like
Black Panther,Storm,Mandarin,Magneto and Steve Rogers,those are characters that you think of their races

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


Making Tombstone Asian would be pretty damn stupid. He's an albino black guy from Harlem, that's pretty crucial.

Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?


He isn't Asian, johnny isn't black, the ancient one isn't an ugly female, etc. Characters are who they are. Stop changing *beep* for PC idiocy you liberal wussies.


Personally I am so tired of this debate, one guy has a whim "let's change the kung fu's guys ethnic background to fit what I would like", and it went viral.

I have been an Iron Fist fan since '75 and what people are forgetting is that his caucasian roots are the basis of the character. He is the ultimate fish out of water, it's what made him compelling to me in the first place.

So just like with character after character a fundamental cornerstone of that character is changed to fit someone's initial whim. I don't like it, and I am in fact entitled not to like it.

But here's the problem with discussions like this. For whatever reason you cannot have an opinion like mine that they should not change characters ethnicity without being called a racist or change their gender without being called a sexist, or their sexual preference without being called a homophobe, because these things "don't matter".

Well, they do matter to me, because if you change anyone of those things, you change who the character is fundamentally. I would make the same argument against changing Luke Cage, or Storm, or Northstar. I'm just a fan of most of these characters the way they are.

It does not mean I have any political agenda, it means I don't like change.

Blast me for that, but there's no need to assume I am committing a hate crime.

Iron Fist is Danny Rand to me, if they change him, he will be different in the comics within a year, and that bothers me. Because I like the character now.


I think it's kind of offensive that just because the character is a martial artist, some people automatically jump to the conclusion that he should be Asian. Asians can do things other than Kung Fu, and Kung Fu can be mastered by people who aren't Asian.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


I swear every time Marvel plans on bringing a new character into movies or television that is a white character the idiots come out in full force and cry for a race change. I also find it extremely ignorant that people think Kung Fu the character must be Asian, way to be prejudice and extremely closed minded. This is why most Asians are stuck with these type of movies clearly many think that is all they are good for.


Is there some one Asian quota I wasn't told about. They can make an Asian Iron Fist and add other Asian characters to the MCU. There could be an Asian Doc Octopus. There are multiple white and black characters in the MCU.

If the universe is big enough for an ex-con Luke Cage, Heimdell, an alien, and two military guys that happen to be black. We can have an Asian who knows martial arts.

Netflix's Iron Fist should be Chinese! Make it so.


it is logical because they are in AMERICA!

Danny is a rich white American, then he is an outsider everywhere he goes(K'un L'un, with Luke, with Misty, with Colleen Wing).


A rich handsome white guy may be an outsider in a fictional K'un L'un, but that's all I will give you. An Asian-American would be just as much an outsider in K'un L'un.

Sleeping with a black woman or being friends with a person of another race does not make you an outsider. He's still a white guy in America, he knows that if he wants he can go his entire life and never been in the minority unless he chooses to be. That is not true of a Black person.

How often have you ever gone anywhere looked around and realized, "I'm the only person of my race here or there aren't many of my race here." If you're a minority and middle class more than once. Most white kids have never been in a classroom where they were in the minority.

We need a Shang Chi movie! Do the right thing, Marvel. #AsianSuperhero #WhiteGuysNamedChris


Like most people from dual culture generation, living and being educated as other kids in his host country, you tend to always be an outsider.

Maybe in my backyard it's an exception, but if you're an asian, you'll be a Chinese forever, (Chinese meaning asian for most, can't make the differences between Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese or other far east ethnies.)

Whatever education or wealth or status, it's always there, you're a "chinese", with all the clichés.

I think Danny would benefit from that perspective, would open doors for either struggling with his origins or completely discard them and find how it could have a meaning later.

Then, to follow the cursus of Iron Fist, it will stay a rich boy, outsider at home, outsider in K'un L'un. And it may enhance his relationship with Luke Cage.

Obviously, it's not easy for some people to understand the value of having a hero sharing the same struggle as a mixed generation.
But, after a while, you get to think you're not half of any culture, but the sum of all, and it matters not only for you , but for your entourage.
Note that this story applies to all mixed generations.

This is not for me a racial issue per se, as for me, there's only one race of human beings. But a good way to be consensual. Iron Fist should be modern, far from the ages it's been created. (Interracial weddings has been legalized in 67 in USA)

Although, if it's a white guy i won't care either, i'm used to it.


he knows that if he wants he can go his entire life and never been in the minority unless he chooses to be.

Wow, finally you understand Danny Rand's character.

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination


I know he's a fictional character that represents cultural appropriation.

Luke Cage. Dare Devil. Black Panther. Jessica Jones. Asians can be heroes too, Marvel.


Yes, when I eat Chinese I am culturally appropriating. I guess I was also culturally appropriating when I married an Filipina woman in her own Church. I guess I was culturally appropriating when I had half-Asian children.

"Cultural Appropriation" is the new racist. Chinese culture is only for the yellows has replace "America is for whites"

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination


"Cultural Appropriation" is the new buzzword to promote segregation. Hitler appropriated the Swastika, that douchey blonde stoner with dreads, or little Jenny who can only sleep with a dream catcher, they did not. Like other topics such as racism and sexism, idiots keep trivializing the horrible, real acts of those things with such silly BS.

Good can not exist without evil. They are two sides of the same coin. Such is the duality of life.


Exactly. They are neo-segregationists, and the antithesis of what is great about living in a cultural melting pot with lots of diversity.

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination
