MovieChat Forums > Galavant (2015) Discussion > Favorite song of Season 2?

Favorite song of Season 2?

What's yours?
Mine's a toss up between "As Good As it Gets" and "Today We Rise"
Gwendolyn and the Chef are my two favorite characters, so whenever they have a song together, I immediately love it.
But "Today We Rise" is one of the best Les Mis parody songs I've heard because not only is it funny, but it is also musically very catchy.

What do you guys think?



My favorite song so far in season 2 is Madalena's "What Am I Feeling." But it's not the song that impressed me, as much as what Mallory Jansen did with the song. I didn't expect to see her character in real pain. I didn't expect those tears when she initially turned away from the mirror. That song became very poignant to me when Madalena started to cry.

Beauty may be only skin deep, but arrogance and stupidity go down to the bone.


^ yeah I think that was my favorite this season too :)


This season had its share of earworms. The first one for me, though, was GOODBYE.


I loved the Song " Maybe you wont die alone."....!!! It was Hilarious and sounded wonderful..! I wish there were more verses... wheres thw lyrics at..???

Loved the Show GAlavant


"Off with His Shirt"
It's the only one that got stuck in my head.



My absolute favorite was the Caribbean-sounding "The Happiest Day of My Life". While it didn't have the funniest lyrics, it had the most hilarious facial expressions by far (nobody smiles like Wormwood, and Isabella's dad is just comedy gold). And it's so calypso-catchy!


I love all the songs, but most especially Isabella's and Magdalena's duet and Happiest Day of My Life. Both are lmao hilarious.

Happiest Day of My Life reminds me of The Little Mermaid's Under The Sea and Won't Die Alone reminded me of Kiss The Girl. Well all songs were written by Alan Menken so that explains things.


"What Am I feeling?" Has to be my favorite. I think my second favorite would be the song King Richard sang with his inner child at the beginning of the final. "When Will My Day Come" But I might be wrong.


I loved the reprise of the S1 theme by the Jester. I know this doesn't really count, but I love and missed the theme song (even though I know others got sick of the repetitiveness). Plus I think this is probably the best rendition, thus far.


All of the songs in S2 that have been mentioned so far in this thread, they were all truly great. This was a difficult choice. Each one (in its own way) was clever, well-sung and nicely situated to the scene with great arrangement. The fanfare songs are, of course, the one's that usually get the most attention and tend to be remarkable earworms. But of all the songs in S2, the one that captured my attention for its subtle harmonies and all-around theme was "Goodbye." Followed closely by the reprise of "I Was There," sung by Greg Wise in slow tempo.


I Was There:
