MovieChat Forums > London Has Fallen (2016) Discussion > Extremely poor taste to release this mov...

Extremely poor taste to release this movie in the times we live in!

I saw the trailer for this trashy movie with poor CGI today. But it wasn't just the weak CGI and weak story that put me off, it's the fact that a movie studio is actually willing to release this crap and try to make money off the possibility of terrorism we face in cities like London.

I live in London and wouldn't pay a penny to go see a movie about London being attacked by terrorists and blown up. Such poor taste. We all know the threats that have come from ISIS, do we really need to see garbage movies like this being produced? Nope!


Go get help for your mental disorder instead of being on here.


Yeah let's all ignore the world's problems and not talk about them.

Should work.

If you don't think films should reflect and represent present society as they are, what do you think they SHOULD depict?

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


it's not about whether movie should depict real life events, it's about how. movies like these are extremely harmful because they teach ppl that the way to bring down terrorism is by being badasses. it doesnt work like that in real life.

this movie is clearly muslim revenge fantasy and it didnt even tryto hide it.


Then how DOES it work?

I'm no right-wing 'fight force with force' type, but somehow I don't see peaceful negotiation happening with groups like ISIS.

I don't disagree that the film looks like Muslim revenge fantasy, and there is no way I would ever watch trash like this. But all movies - from the best of the best to the worst of the worst - are products of their time, and this is no exception.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


not with isis. with muslim communities around the world. we need to turn them away from extremists. we need to show them that we are not how isis portrayed us.

and if your reply is 'thats what weve been doing,' think again. even though refuges running away from isis is the best godddamn thing that happened for us in the war against terrorism, white idiots all around the world wanted to turn them away. and why? because of movies like these that preached nothing but violence and xenophobia.


Very well said, I couldn't agree more.

Except maybe the 'white idiots' part. Careful not to paint everyone with the same brush. That's how so many of these problems started in the first place.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


yes my apologies. taking about ppl shooting themselves in the foot got me a bit twitchy.


I fully understand. It's almost impossible to talk about this subject without a bit of passion creeping in.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


with muslim communities around the world. we need to turn them away from extremists.

Muslim is by defnition an extremist. Muslim is somone that follows islam religion. Islam religion is an extremist belief system incompatible with western values. The only way to make a muslim not extremist is to make him not a muslim. Good thing religion is a choice i guess.

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


The way to bring down terrorism is to kill terrorists. That is literally the ONLY way to stop fundamental extremists.

Yeah, because its not like 99% of terror attacks are done by Muslims? Apparently that fact should be hidden because it does not fit your worldview?

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


No, I think it is fine. It is relative to the times we live in. Maybe it will make people realize that this *beep* can really happen because it can, has already happened and it will not go away.


Yes I would much prefer to see movies with lots of fluffy bunnies, Pegasus, merry-go-rounds,fairy-floss and *beep* but i guess that won't happen

"Creepy Howard"


Cry no more, Zootopia is for you!

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


Movies have always been topical. In many cases you can even tell about when a movie was made by its focus. Check out movies from the 60s and you'll see a lot of focus on civil unrest and protests. The 70s saw a lot of movies about environmental issues, the 80s had the "Wall Street" line of glorified excess, and so on.

I mean if you want to lament movies made about national tragedies, look at the movies made about disco...

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Is agree, it's just like Die Hard, because Germans have never been the bad guys.


Every single thing you could make a movie about, could be a sensitive subject to someone.

That you don't need to see it, is irrelevant to anyone but yourself. You're not force to watch it, and just because you don't want to, doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.


Right, total fiction, everyone knows the intellect of the typical goat-herding radical couldn't possibly pull off anything of this magnitude.
