MovieChat Forums > London Has Fallen (2016) Discussion > Extremely poor taste to release this mov...

Extremely poor taste to release this movie in the times we live in!

I saw the trailer for this trashy movie with poor CGI today. But it wasn't just the weak CGI and weak story that put me off, it's the fact that a movie studio is actually willing to release this crap and try to make money off the possibility of terrorism we face in cities like London.

I live in London and wouldn't pay a penny to go see a movie about London being attacked by terrorists and blown up. Such poor taste. We all know the threats that have come from ISIS, do we really need to see garbage movies like this being produced? Nope!


It's a great movie


Anyone who loves mindless gratuitous violent films is a worthless republican ! You will not get the irony !


The OP is obviously living a life of a naive ignorant. It's time to wake up. Please for the love of humanity, wake up.


It's too bad stuff like what happens in the movies can and do happen in real life huh? Art doesn't imitate life at all does it? They don't write movies based on anything non-fiction do they? Some people might get offended at how the real world is.


I felt the same way about the first movie, Olympus Has Fallen. Couldn't believe they made a sequel. Funny thing is London will be destroyed (in the movies) again at least once (I think two or three times) this summer.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


As many people have said, it is a movie. Let me help here. Definition of action movie: A motion picture whose storyline involves fast-paced activity and conflict, usually including such elements as a heroic protagonist, violent fights, acrobatic stunts, chase scenes, and gunplay. The point is that this IS a movie. It was not intended to "Offend" anyone, nor to make people angry or fight. So to all of you haters on here.........Do you watch television? This is no different than shows you watch on there. What's worse is that you probably watch "reality shows" which really should be offending you. Maybe you should stop watching television if you get offended easily by fictional movies. Keep your blinds closed too.


i loved it.Its just a movie.Relax.They made White House Down so of course they make London has Fallen. Talk about taking a movie too seriously.


I'm American and didn't enjoy Independence Day back when it came out, mainly have never cared for Will Smith (and before it's one side or the other, don't care for the Oscars either), but I really thought that George Dubya Bush assassination movie while he was president was in very poor taste and was astonished how all the morning media shows covered it as tho it would give someone an idea.

Manchurian Candidate remake also came out then, with all involved knowing the first one was implied to have caused Kennedy's assassination, as tho they hoped hisotry would repeat itself.


moooooovie cause assassination?

Uh no
jus' no

duz seem 2 propagate craaazzzy though

out there is good

2 moi
this looks phun

n as 2 the thread
taste is varied
what is undrinkable 2 one
is finest ever 2 another

Gelebt haben. Zu sterben, um wieder zu leben.


PUt you on my ignore list? Why no, I don't mind at all. Glad to do so, actually.



I'm American and didn't enjoy Independence Day back when it came out

No f@cking sh`t lady does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza!



there has always been actions movies and there has always been war and terrorism. why don't you stop being so *beep* sensitive that you are unable to dissociate reality from fiction?
