MovieChat Forums > London Has Fallen (2016) Discussion > Extremely poor taste to release this mov...

Extremely poor taste to release this movie in the times we live in!

I saw the trailer for this trashy movie with poor CGI today. But it wasn't just the weak CGI and weak story that put me off, it's the fact that a movie studio is actually willing to release this crap and try to make money off the possibility of terrorism we face in cities like London.

I live in London and wouldn't pay a penny to go see a movie about London being attacked by terrorists and blown up. Such poor taste. We all know the threats that have come from ISIS, do we really need to see garbage movies like this being produced? Nope!


Good. I'm glad you're offended. And I hope it makes a killing at the box office.

IMDB Boards: Where intelligent film discussion goes to die.


Totally agree with you there! But I do feel sorry for the woman who playde the German chancellor...


oh please....did you complain when they showed any attacks in the US?


Not sure how to respond to this ignorance.


Nobody likes Hitler either but Hollywood made a financial killing (no pun intended) from him


Terrorsim is faced anywhere really, but seeing a tough guy badass take out terrorists is and always will be a good time at the movies. People ate this stuff up when they saw the white house terrorized, why not London or anywhere else? If this movie does well, there will be more.

And if anyone is interested in a review of this movie-

Trying to go for an informative, and hopefully something people think is funny, youtube channel so hope you guys like. Thanks.


Its a movie, its a fiction, stop acting like a stupid child, get over it and grow up


Yup, we should all live like hermits, afraid to go out in to the sunlight lest we get shot or stabbed by a nefarious type.

Thats the beauty of living in the free world, taking something a would be terrorist would relish, and make money out of it, pissing them off even more.

*beep* bad taste, embrace freedom.

No Dana Goldberg for you  - in loving memory of BrianReass


Shut up you tart.
