MovieChat Forums > You're the Worst (2014) Discussion > Let's Settle the Lindsay debate

Let's Settle the Lindsay debate

She is the worst part of the show.

There it's settled.

And stfu if you say she's good looking (she's not) but who cares if she is? She is straight up a horrible person.
The 2 main characters are "the worst" because of their ideals towards relationships, however they have jobs, respect at least themselves, and contribute to society.

Anyway the show is great! Gretchen and Jimmy are so fun to watch. Edgar steals the show!
I worry that like many great programs before their time this show may get cancelled, but I like to see all the support on the message boards for YTW keep it up!


I love her. She cracks me up, and her occasional puzzled moments of self-awareness are marvelously played. Also it's fun to look at her.

"I won't hold my bread."


she is hardly the worst part of this show. she is pretty much a perfect foil for Gretchen. yes she is a chunky butt but by the same token she has a pretty face and big tits and I would put it in her big butt after a few beers! yes she is frighteningly stupid and self centered but most of the characters in this show are some pretty *beep* up people. that is what makes this show fun to watch! they are all pretty much caricatures of people. people most of us know. we all have friends and aquaintances who are as *beep* up as some of these people. and for most, watching this show reminds us that as *beep* up as things can be most of us are not as *beep* up as these people!


She is super hot, hotter than anyone else on the show. Not even "hot" just Beautiful. She is so pretty I can't stand it when she comes on the screen, I can hardley listen to what she's saying because I can stop looking at her pretty face, and body. I can see how some people could find her voice annoying but to me she sounds like a Disney Princess. (This coming from someone who also has a high, slightly squeeky voice). Thanks for you opinion but take or her leave her she's going to be a character in the show. And she has her fans.


You just have to remember this about people in real life, and characters in
fiction ... they are doing the best they can. You're infantile posting over a
character that you refuse to analyze your gut feelings about is your own
pathetic problem.


She was a 'meh' character initially but now she mostly cracks me up. I'm happy she's a main character.


Nah, she's hilarious. Like several other characters on the show, her character is self-centered and incredibly immature. If you couldn't tell, this show isn't supposed to be about good people. They're all pretty awful, but they have some good at the core, and that gets revealed sometimes.

Misguided as she is, she seems to genuinely care about Gretchen. While the advice she gave Gretchen in the season 2 premiere (keep partying as long as you can or your relationship will die) was terrible advice, I think it was well-intentioned. Her marriage got boring, so she wants to help Gretchen avoid that fate.

But oh well. I think she's super fun to watch, even when she's being annoying. I do think that the character could have been terrible if played by the wrong person, but Kether Donohue is great. She has excellent delivery and comic timing, helped in no small way by her distinctive voice. I also think she's quite attractive, but I like curves. To each their own.


I like her. She is bad and she does not try to hide it. She admits who she is. I hate people who pretend they are nice but then they just stab you in the bask (haha, not literally like Lindsey) and keep stabbing you but no one believes you because it's "such a nice person". Yes, Lindsey is bad, but she is open with it. I can appreciate it. Also, she is fun as hell as character, show would be much less funny without her. She is nice to look at, really, whole figure, face, clothes, I really don't get people who say she is ugly. Beside, even if you don't like her looks body-shaming is just nasty. Keep your opinion to yourself, not everyone likes only model-thin, we all look different, thank God!

I like all the characters, remember the title, they are supposed to be nasty. If you hate that, than this show is NOT for you. Go and watch Modern family or something like that. But, I find more "side characters" more interesting than main, like I prefer to watch Edgar and Lindsey more than Gretchen and Jimmy. Also, I like Paul and Vernon. But that's me, I like "broken" people. That makes show fun to watch.
