MovieChat Forums > The Boy Next Door (2015) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie?

Why does everyone hate this movie?

It deserves a much higher rating than it has. Honestly what is so bad about this movie?Personally I really enjoyed it, it had good acting, original plot and a good message?


It was completely derivative and clichéd. That's why I personally didn't care for it. They could have done something a little different. This would, for me, have worked a bit better if they had turned it into an all out spoof of this kind of genre film. Some of it made me LOL when I'm sure that wasn't the intention. J-lo should stick to "tongue in cheek" comedies like Monster-in-Law. At least that was deliberately funny and entertaining. There were some particularly absurd moments in this movie, even for this kind of film. Definitely done better elsewhere.


I enjoyed it but I can't give it much credit simply because it was cheesy, predictable and completely unoriginal in every respect.

I liked J-Lo's performance but Ryan Guzman's performance left a lot to be desired.

Respect what you have 🌌


I agree that it isn't that bad a movie, but I wouldn't say this or any stalker thriller I've seen had an original plot. People complain partly about the dialog, but there's still a favorite line of mine, which J Lo. uttered in defense of classics majors such as J.K. Rowling. I'm biased because I'm an English graduate. I won't digress LOL. Since I didn't know fellow beloved Kristin Chenoweth was in it till her first scene. I was afraid her character's fate would happen, so glad it's just a movie. Of course, for some of the main appeal is J Lo, clothed or not. It was watchable overall, but J Lo films and stalker movies just are easy targets. Most of them are alike, which is also a complaint about show biz bio films, and I like them.
