MovieChat Forums > The Boy Next Door (2015) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie?

Why does everyone hate this movie?

It deserves a much higher rating than it has. Honestly what is so bad about this movie?Personally I really enjoyed it, it had good acting, original plot and a good message?


Mostly because JLo still cannot act, the actor who plays Noah looks 28-30 (not 19), and because the directing was so bad, the movie is not scary, it's laughable.


I thought it was ok, it was scary, violent, surprised and disturbed me many times....very decent film. Deserves a 6.

Oh and the sex scenes were super hot, Jlo is now my fantasy chick.

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


Why does everyone hate this movie?

Everyone does not hate this movie.

But the Ryan Guzman sex scene would have benefitted more from some Sliver-style William Baldwin thrusting...

Just saying


i really hope this is sarcasm. one of the worst movies i've ever seen.


No hate here.

I watched it after working three 12-hour days on the busy holiday weekend. I crashed on my couch and watched it while consuming my fast-food dinner. (I discovered too late that I had free Cinemax for the weekend so it was the only movie I DVR'ed.)

Much like my dinner the movie was not "good" for me but it served its purpose. Lopez and Corbett are good performers and the story had a crazy villain. I was reasonably entertained for 90 minutes.


Maybe because there's not a single event or scene that's not entirely predictable?

Hot illicit sex leads to: "Oh dear, I made a mistake, which I regret." "Uh oh, this is getting out of control." "Oh, no, he's a psycho." "Eek, he's REALLY a psycho!" "Oh, hurry, get out of the house, he's coming!" "HE MURDERED MY FRIEND!" "Ummmm, yes, I suddenly realize I DO love you!" Cue failed offensive move, increased peril, and ultimate success, with the bad guy dead and the loved ones saved. Did the presumed dead killer reach out and grab her ankle as she was leaving or did they miss that one?

Is there one person who got further than three seconds into the "bully" scene and didn't know Kristen Chenowith was either bound or already dead?

"Gee, I never saw that coming" is not a sentence anyone ever said about this movie, ever.


I think his encore attack after getting gauged in the eye with a poorly constructed epi-pen prop counts as the "ankle grab". :-)


I was also surprised by the low ratings. We watched it tonight and were on the edge of our seats with some of the scenes. Certainly it was far more of a thriller than "The Gift".


What was so bad about it? Where do I start?!

Good acting and an original plot...! Are you serious? I don't even know which of those two statements is more off base.

What exactly did you take the message to be? All I could take from it was "ladies, don't bang younger dudes even if you're single, they're single and of legal age." How is that a good message?

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"
