MovieChat Forums > The Boy Next Door (2015) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie?

Why does everyone hate this movie?

It deserves a much higher rating than it has. Honestly what is so bad about this movie?Personally I really enjoyed it, it had good acting, original plot and a good message?


Hmm. I'm sensing some form of sarcasm from your tone. That having been typed the film wasn't that bad...


"Original plot?" Lol

Dude, April Fools was like 3 months ago...


I honestly wasn't being sarcastic in any way. Although now that you mention it, I realise it does sound a bit sarcastic when you read it out loud haha


I quite enjoyed it too. I think it's a decent stalker thriller flick for entertainment.

Many people complain about the unoriginal plot, bad acting, awful casting, atrocious script, corny dialogues et al. Sure, the plot is nothing new, but I don't mind it. I can even watch the same movie again and again if I like it.

J.Lo's acting is always the same in any genre? This is my first J.Lo movie, so I don't know, but even if that is true, such criticism should be directed to herself rather than the movie, right?

A 26 year-old actor playing an almost 20 year-old? Some teenagers look older than they are, especially when they have a well-built body like Guzman, so that didn't bother me either.

As to the dialogues, English isn't my native language, so I guess I can't understand how they are corny.

I found Noah's backstory effective in explaining why he was so obsessed with Claire and his characterization in the motif of Oedipus was interesting.

Never throw away a chance for happiness too can get to be a habit.


Original plot? Oh my, you sound young. Or maybe the other poster is right and you're joking, ha ha.

What on Earth is the message by the way?


Well i don't normally watch this genre, so maybe that's why I found it original.
And the message I got from the film was that you shouldn't trust people really easily and that anyone can be a stalker.


It's got to be the reason, because though it's entertaining, this plot is a ripoff of quite a few other movies from beginning to end (with the novelty of reversing the sexes: usually it's a man being stalked by a woman). It's not the worst iteration, but there are better ones. If you liked it I'd recommend 'Play Misty for Me.' That's arguably the best version of this basic plot, and probably the first.

I see what you mean about the message. Gotta take a chance, though. Unfortunately I can tell you from experience that stalkers are hard to detect even after a couple of dates; it's if you want to break it off that the real craziness starts coming out. I miss being single sometimes, but sometimes I REALLY don't, ha ha.


'Fear' is just one example.



its an ok movie,i really wish Jlo got nude she looked so damn fine

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


The plot is FAR from original. Generic stalker movies like this are practically a dime a dozen.
Worst Movies of 2014:


I didn't hate it. I just didn't much enjoy it, either. I have to give credit where credit's due: the acting was solid. The writing/directing is what sucked the enjoyment out of it for me. 5 stars out of 10. And that's being generous.


Five stars is a fair score for a good movie that isn't nearly original, but does have its merits in the acting and how it establishes its characters. Especially Lopez. It's cheap, but not trashy, and isn't aspiring to be more than a sexual thriller that ticks all the obvious boxes. It's not among the best films Lopez has made and its not among the best films of 2015, but it's not nearly among the worst. And look at the money it made on a tiny budget. How many actors and producers would be happy with those numbers or be impressed by how Lopez produced this movie. Zero salary, I think. Used real houses and her own clothes. No expensive sets. Minimal shooting time.

The OP asked why everyone hates this movie. 21,000 people have voted for The Boy Next Door on IMDB. Over 350,000 people have bought The Boy Next Door on DVD/Blu-ray. BIG difference.



Because it's been done before, and a lot better.

"Now, tart face, take your Clark bars and get outta my house!!!"


If that was the criteria for not liking movies we would watch few films made after 1939.



Who said movies? It's my criteria for not liking THIS movie.

"Now, tart face, take your Clark bars and get outta my house!!!"


God knows. The wife and I certainly enjoyed it a lot.
