Stupid endings

What is wrong with most of the horror movies? Is it really necessary to not have an clear ending?
We spent 90+ minutes watching a movie and it ends up like this.
What is the point of making a movie if there is no ending. We know, something is happening through out the movie, and we wait to see what is it.and what we get finally?? Nothing.


I think people may be taking the "meaning" of the movie too literally.

Sure, you can see it as another alien abduction, but I can see that maybe the writer was telling a story of losing the one you love to mental illness.


but I can see that maybe the writer was telling a story of losing the one you love to mental illness.

thanks for making me not the only person to think so. god i could so relate to paul from this perspective.


And believe me that is WAY scarier than aliens!

Let Polly do the printing


I definitely think there's an element of that in there, as well.


I agree. Poor storytelling. The ending seemed like they had enough material to finish the movies so just cut it off there. Lots of people are saying "aliens" and there seem to be elements of that in the film, but the ending still seemed ambiguous. The lights and gross crap in her vagina seemed like stories of abduction and impregnation, along with the memory loss. What about the old boyfriend and his wife? Were they other abductees? It certainly seems like the wife was since she was injured in the same manner the first woman was. Then the reference to her husband in hiding.

It could be some nature-type thing also. All the elements of nature and constant references to insects, shots of the forest and lake, etc. Her look in the end lends credence to this theory.

It also had elements of the demonic. Some stuff like 1973's Don't Be Afraid of the Dark.

Overall I'm not a fan of ambiguity in a movie like this. It's about like Firewalk with Me. If you have to have a book telling you wtf went on, then the movie kinda didn't do its job telling you the story in the first place.


The old boyfriend and the wife went through the same thing as the main characters, only a day or two earlier. Thats why he's pissed and weird the first time they meet him and thats why Paul find his bloody caps floating in the water.


Yip it was quite good until the ending - no ending really just leave the viewer with another aliens taking over scenario.

Almost as though they ran out of money at the end so couldnt really show much more!


Sadly, you did not pay attention to the movie or it would have been explained to you. It also helps to have an understanding of various myths pertaining to.....frogs.

For those of you seeking an explanation, I will give it, but it will probably be something none of you like.

The light was high beam, and tells us nothing on its own. However, her reaction to her husbands eating of the frog was telling. Now, if you remember that frogs are "hypnotized" by shining a bright light in their eyes, and that they are considered "slimy," there should be enough to figure out that the women were being turned into some kind of frog-like being or bred with them.


So humor me here, are you saying you believe them to be some type of reptilian aliens? I honestly hadnt thought of that, but I like the idea. Your theory is pretty solid. Makes me hope for a sequal in which we can see the evolution


Agreed with you 100%.Too many good movies destroyed by endings, like a derision for us.Stupid directors and scenarists of these movies.


Sounds like you didn't get the ending as it was quite clear. She was an alien, and her "alien essence" was taking over the closer it was to the date of departure, which she knew in advance. She wanted to spend her last few days with her husband, hence going back there, but eventually she had to give in and revert back to her "true self" which was part of the reason why she was having a hard time holding onto her human memories. This is also why she drowns her husband, because at this point she doesn't seem to be fully human, nor remember how human anatomy works, to realize that you can't just throw a person in the water to survive. Another interpretation is that she just wanted to save his "shell" which may have been destroyed/disintegrated by the other aliens, and so she threw him in the lake like a dog might bury a bone in the backyard.

Anyway, there is some ambiguity and room for interpretation in a lot of places, but it's pretty solidly explained she's an alien and that's ultimately what was wrong with her, so there wasn't any ambiguity as far as that's concerned.


To me, it's a clear message at the end. I did like it; don't always need a lot of gore, etc.
