MovieChat Forums > The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) Discussion > Not promoting teenage sex? Yeah right!

Not promoting teenage sex? Yeah right!

It sickens me at how the low lifes that make these movies will evade controversy by using "art" or political statements to explain away or rationalize exploitation of children. But the fact is this. People are still the same as they have been for thousands of years. They get tempted. They are full of lust. Just waiting for the visual stimulation they need to bring it all out. It doesn't matter what the plot is. When you see an underage girl have sex in a movie, it might as well be porn. A scene that implies sex can be just as influential as porn. Its different when we see a young girl in public and then form images in our own mind. Thats what people have been living with for centuries. But there's a large distinction between that and actually seeing images in front of you. It removes the innocence of the girl. It empowers pedophilic tendencies. I am not a trooper for removing underage images from the world. Such as "preteen modeling" and such. That can be someone else's war. But I am all for removing all those things from the public eye. ANd releasing films to the public that involves sex with minors is perverse. Immoral. And unethical. Anyone who says different clearly has no business raising or being around children. The values in this world that WORK have already been time tested by our ancestors. Any modern twist on those values is perversity to say the least.


Sir, you have been indoctrinated.


When I was 26, I had a 17 year old mistress (legal in the state I was)... good times. I actually found this movie highly arousing.
