MovieChat Forums > The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) Discussion > Not promoting teenage sex? Yeah right!

Not promoting teenage sex? Yeah right!

It sickens me at how the low lifes that make these movies will evade controversy by using "art" or political statements to explain away or rationalize exploitation of children. But the fact is this. People are still the same as they have been for thousands of years. They get tempted. They are full of lust. Just waiting for the visual stimulation they need to bring it all out. It doesn't matter what the plot is. When you see an underage girl have sex in a movie, it might as well be porn. A scene that implies sex can be just as influential as porn. Its different when we see a young girl in public and then form images in our own mind. Thats what people have been living with for centuries. But there's a large distinction between that and actually seeing images in front of you. It removes the innocence of the girl. It empowers pedophilic tendencies. I am not a trooper for removing underage images from the world. Such as "preteen modeling" and such. That can be someone else's war. But I am all for removing all those things from the public eye. ANd releasing films to the public that involves sex with minors is perverse. Immoral. And unethical. Anyone who says different clearly has no business raising or being around children. The values in this world that WORK have already been time tested by our ancestors. Any modern twist on those values is perversity to say the least.


I have to admit that was a great pseudo intellectual argument. So what are we to do? Are we to treat this the way we treated homosexuality in the 50s and sweep it under the carpet and never mention it? As sad and sick as it sound I have seen this happen. In one case the mother knew what was going on. Actually in most cases the mother does know what is going on. This is a case of art imitating life. I do not agree with it but do admit we should address this issue.


I'm a 35 year old woman and I'm going to try to make you understand something. Don't take this as an attack on you, because it isn't.

Aside from the whole having sex with her mothers boyfriend aspect, I see a lot of myself in her character. I wasn't 15 when I lost my virginity, I was 17. But when I was 15 I probably would've had sex with a man. I remember a man, who was 21, living in some apartments that my friends grandparents owned. There was a basement under them that she and I used to hang out in. One night he came outside and he was obviously inebriated. But not to the point that he wasn't lucid. He proceeded to pee off of the wall that was raised so that the basement fit underneath. I watched him and remember that was the exact moment that I felt sexually aroused. I was 12.

And I went to the same spot everyday to see this guy. I'd walk up and down the street for hours. I pretty much stalked the guy. Puberty is pure hell.

Now I want to tell you two more things to think about. What you're talking about is morality. Morality is subjective. And you're probably basing your beliefs of sex and morals on religion. Which is fine. But again, morality is subjective. Sex is wrong before marriage, wrong at a certain age, etc., because our social behaviors and environments dictate it. Just think about all of the cultural rituals surrounding sex.

The second thing I want to make a point about is that while it's okay to disagree, it isn't okay to direct. A person is in control of their own body. If they want to have sex then they have that right. Their age is irrelevant. That isnt to say I support young folks having sex with each other because I absolutely do not!! But they're going to do what they want. No one can control them 100%. They can only be educated and we with morals can only hope they make the right decisions.



There's something else I'd like to add to my previous post. This is an autobiography, not a guide to teenage life.


I absolutely agree with the last poster. This is not supposed to be a "teen movie". It's the experiences of author Phoebe Gloekner back when she WAS a teen in the 70's. Did you even watch it? In reality there are no "underage images" in this movie. The actress is in her twenties. And her sexual encounters are not filmed in any particularly titillating way.

What pisses me off about self-righteous posts like this is this almost Nazi-like idea that you need to suppress/destroy other people's life experiences to protect "the children" from something. From what--that there are other ways of living besides the way YOU choose to? That there are different kinds of people that don't share your Aryan-esque "Christian" values? There is something REALLY ugly behind this book-burning mentality that NEVER leads to anything good.

And what ancestors? One of the great right-wing fallacies is believing that people in the past were somehow more pure than today. It's bullsh*t. "Good Christians" used to enslave other people, hold public lynchings, and beat the crap out of their wives and kids. Children were sexually abused back in the "good old days" too; it's just that no one talked about it and the perpetrators got away with it. The most recent "golden era of America greatness" or whatever was the 80's Reagan era. Well, I grew up in that era. If anything, it was even more morally corrupt than the 70's. This movie seems kind of sweet and quaint compared to my memories of the 80's. And god knows there was teenage sex and drugs and plenty of predatory adults around in the Reagan years too. When exactly did our ancestors EVER adhere to any one set of "time-tested" values that made everything wonderful?

But as for teen sex, I wouldn't bet 1 percent of the audience of this movie is teenagers. How many teenagers watch "decadent" art films set in the 1970's? And if you've ever actually been a teenager, you should know you hardly need a movie to encourage teenagers to have sex. Maybe you're just trolling, but there's plenty of genuine self-righteous idiocy like this out there and it shouldn't go unanswered.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


The last two posters are spot on and give me faith in IMDb again. Teenage sex isn't happening because of movies, it's happening because teenagers are sexual. The solution is to educate them as to how have sex safely if they chose to do it. Thing is, when you educate children about sex, what it is and its consequences, they actually have less sex. Has nothing to do with the movies they do or don't watch.


It is underage you idiot. The character is underage.


I agree. We don't need a "critically aclaimmed" movie or the actress herself to tell girls to learn from this. What next--a movie with boys flashing themselves in order to educate boys about puberty?


This isn't an educational film.


Female adolescent sex is the last taboo in public discussion, and I'm glad that a film tried to deal with it in an honest way.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


cooljoebay2 you sanctimonious scum watch how you judge


I believe the actress is 23? Kind of makes everything you say pointless and stupid.
