That always seemed odd to me.She has no police training,no powers,no science skills and no leadership experience.It never made sense to me why she was made team leader.The more realistic choice would have been Joe,Barry or Harry.I would say Caitlin or Sisco but they don't seem like person in charge type personalities.
Killer Frost, on the other hand, has a VERY take-charge personality! I agree that having Iris in charge makes no sense, so it's consistent with most of the other choices made on this show. In terms of Iris having no powers, that's correct, for now, but she's probably the next one in line to get powers. At least she doesn't sing!
Barry is the weapon. Team Flash basically points him at the threat.
Joe is WAY too weepy and seems constantly over his head.
Harry isn't even native to this world and is so abrasive no one would listen to him.
Iris took up the job of keeping it together while Barry was away and someone had to coordinate things. Caitlin was off bartending, Cisco (and Joe as a cop) were now the weapons being pointed at the threat.
I personally like her as the boss lady because I feel like she plays the role really well.
However, if it's truth juice time, the reason is because this show still doesn't know how to incorporate its lead female characters. STILL.
I'd say look at Caitlyn as a perfect example of this. She's this very intelligent, very skilled scientist, but all she has ever done is stand passively in the background while Sisco explains most things and she chimes in here and there - just so she has a reason to even be there. Her Ronnie story-line was beyond pitiful. Even with her new 'badass' alter ego, her main role in the show is still to be the 'mom' of the group and cheer the other members on when they feel sad and occasionally patch up injuries.
Iris is much the same. She is supposed to be this amazing ace reporter, but we didn't get to see her do any actual reporting or work in the field until season 2 I think - can't remember coz it didn't matter. Her only job really thus far has to make us sympathize with Barry and that's it - whether it's by being the girl who he longs for, but can never get, or the girl whom he might lose. In this role, at least she's her own person. But even so, it's not one that marks her as a separate individual with well defined goals and abilities. She is also, in a sense, another 'mom' character.
"I personally like her as the boss lady because I feel like she plays the role really well."
She plays the part just fine.I like her character very much.I just find it odd that she would be given a job that she has no skill set for.I think iris's position as an investigative reporter would have been much more useful to the team.As an investigative reporter i feel like she could have integrated herself into the story lines more and had more of a function.As team leader she mostly just stands in the background and ok's plans that the team comes up with and executes themselves.
This is all another way of saying that this is a badly-written show; also, for the most part, badly-acted. The actress playing Iris is physically attractive, but an exceptionally weak thespian with low charisma.
I'm fine with the acting.But i tend to agree on the writing.Iris being put in charge of the team is unrealistic and doesn't make much sense at all.Other than being the occasional confidence booster for the team and saying yes in the background to plans that most likely would have happened anyway she really doesn't have much function anymore.