MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > Them just whipping up a device for any s...

Them just whipping up a device for any situation

Anyone else getting annoyed at how Cisco can just whip up any random device for any given situation? Hey i know, we should use some kind of alter dimensional rope of some kind, hey Cisco whip something like that up for us will you? Sure thing HR just give me 5 minutes to throw together this complicated device i'm inventing on the spot.

I know they're smart but come on you can't expect us to just believe they can whip together all these devices that work perfectly that they just invented.


You know that this is a show about a man who can run so fast in can go back in time? In-universe, Ciscos gadgets aren't that unrealistic.


I get all that, but i can let that stuff go because Wells who was a genius invented this powerful machine that took him years and years to finish exploded and gave people powers, yeah thats unrealistic and farfetched, but a genius inventing a super powerful machine that done that is a good enough explanation.

However Cisco just throwing together all these devices that can do anything within minutes is way more farfetched and unrealistic imo. "Oh you guys need a super powered space ray gun that will allow us to telport to the moon and back? Ok give me a few minutes".

At least what Wells invented was his life's work and took him years, Cisco whips up these random devices that can do anything within a few minutes.


I think the explanation is the standard one for anything Flash related: Speedforce. I mean, the whole show and in extension the concept of The Flash is so bonkers so it feels silly nitpicking stuff like that. It's a freaking comicbook show.


To be fair a lot of the gadgets aren't doing anything that special. For instance it's usually stuff like, this bad guy with electric powers draws energy from the power grid, so Cisco whips up a short range emp device to remove his power source.

He does make crazy devices sometimes, but I think we're also meant to understand, and he mentions it sometimes, that Cisco invents a lot of this stuff in his down time. We know this because he often talks about modifying a device for the situation and or "something I've been working on".


Yeah I definitely think the whipping it up in a few seconds thing is dumb. Maybe if they played up the fact that Cisco spends a lot of time inventing things in his own time, it would be a little bit more believable. But honestly, I'm more annoyed by the fact that Caitlyn just kind of stands on the side like, 'but what if we made the device yellow?' and that's really her only input despite them being of equal intelligence.


Yeah, everyone's character has been horribly dumbed down since season one. Remember when Barry was smart? Remember how he and Wells used to work on the science, Cisco did the tech, and Caitlin was the medical expert? Me too.

Now Cisco does everything, Barry needs everything explained to him, and Caitlin does absolutely nothing but pray for everyone's safety.
