MovieChat Forums > Man Up (2015) Discussion > Simon Pegg romantic lead.

Simon Pegg romantic lead.

Have just seen the trailer and despite a London setting, a cast of great British thespians and the gorgeous Lake Bell, I just cannot believe Simon Pegg as any sort of romantic lead. Shan't be going.


Depends on the tone. He's believable as a man looking for love. But not as the prize, unless the woman is flawed, too.


Who would have thought Simon Pegg would ever be an action hero, and he's now onto this third Mission Impossible movie.

Also, loved Lake's British accent.


@fushin72 - Wow, quite the repellant attitude about looks, beauty and life. The problem when someone binge tv watches or embraces the Western media culture as you seem to have is that ones understanding of life is stunted and hasn't developed since high school. Newsflash: Netflix, tv and pop culture is NOT the true barometer for real life. Its a superficial, easy digestible pastiche = just like your comment. CHEERIO


Why can't he be the romantic lead - he's not amazing looking but he's pretty cute. Definitely more realistic to have someone like him, rather than a chiselled adonis (who also happens to be funny, sweet, smart and loving - yeah right, because those people exist!)


That's actually part of the quirkish charm to me in seeing this otherwise I might have passed on by. But Bell doing British. and then you have Pegg as the leading man. It just seems such an odd crazy switch that it makes me want to see how it all plays out.


I think my cousin is one (chiselled adonis with those characters). Admittedly only 22 years old, so things probably won't be the same when he's 40.


I've always thought that Simon Pegg was rather cute.

Of course, bananas are far more interesting.


Now that one direction have lost a member.......maybe he could join them? His mate Tom cruise has convinced him he can portray a romantic lead at why not?


I can by him as a romantic lead. But who is going to set up their 24 year old friend who's a triathlete with him? And further more what 24 year old girl would agree to go out with someone so much older than them without even meeting them? When you are 24 someone 30 seems old.


When you are 24 someone 30 seems old.

That would be still normal, but Simon Pegg is 45 years old.


I'm 24, I'm dating a 32yo.


Perhaps his friend knew about the plan to go to the bar so that the ex would see him with his hot 24 year old date and it didn't really matter if they were long term compatible. Or maybe his friend just felt bad about the divorce and was thinking he could get a sympathy shag from the girl.

She would go because she is obsessed with the book and the book says to take risks and be open to new possibilities. So what if it didn't pan out? I still think she would do it.


LOL -- I get what you're saying, Simon clearly isn't the obvious choice for a rom com (which might be the point) -- but with Lake Bell???

I mean... she's a very good actress and all, but. Come on, seriously.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


@gilknut Exactly. What self respective guy would ever be able to stomach Lake Bell?


Yes I have to totally agree with you there . Films can only stretch the imagination so far but to cast him alongside Lake Bell seems insane . I know Hollywood have an obsession with casting old men next to young girls also . There would have been much more suitable British actors to play this role . Pegg is supposedly representative of the pseudo charming middle classed British "everyman"and has had a good track record in comedy roles like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz but he has become irritating ever since .


What are you talking about . 9 years difference is not big and its happening frequently.
I haven't seen the movie yet , im talking their real ages of course.


I was referring to Hollywood Films that cast men like Will Smith or Arnie next to 20 year old girls . I understand that old men like young girls rather than women their own age .
I just don't feel that the Michael Douglas Syndrome is very believable. I understand that
young girls may associate with men who are older as they can offer some advantage over a young man who has not established himself financially . American cinema really has not grown up and European and East Asian cinema has really overtaken the Hollywood Film machine.
America seems to make films for 8 year old men or to convince women that you should want to be married before they are 30 .


Oddly enough, every Simon Pegg movie I have seen has been about him and a romantic interest, including Run Fatboy Run, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, and most recently Hector and the Search for Happiness. I was thinking all this guy does is romantic comedies.


That an entertaining Montgomery Scott. :)

 You Should Have Voted Sanders But Have A Hug Anyway. 


Sure... because a movie about two people falling into genuine and true love means so much more when they're both supermodels, right?

I mean... if a girl decides she wants to be with Channing Tatu... are we really supposed to buy into the idea that she loves him for his personality and such?

Simon Pegg's not a bad-looking guy by any standard at all... unless you're talking about movie star standards... but the standards of what's attractive when we're talking about Hollywood movie stars is pretty ridiculous, no?

If the movie was about a star Linebacker in the National Football League then I could understand you say you just can't imagine Simon Pegg being cast in that role will work for ya... but we're talking about two people that decide they have a genuine connection and love each other... and you can't get past the fact that people that aren't perfect 10s don't ever fall in love? Seriously? Wow.

With complete sincerity I can tell you that I hope you one day meet someone that redefines your completely faulty notion of what it must be like to be in love.



I'm actually a bit older and have moved past the point of simple teenage lust. When you're older and looking to settle down then you just sorta stop caring about the superficial stuff and the two characters having genuine chemistry (and not just physical chemistry) and shared interests in such sorta means something.

Besides... are you serious? It's a freaking movie. Less attractive male leads are ALWAYS ending up with perfect 10s. Have you seen the movie "Chef?" Jon Favreau's character's ex-wife was Sofía Vergara and his new love interest was Scarlett Johansson. Why? Because let's face it... men don't have to be perfect 10s in Hollywood but women do.

And I think Lake Bell is insanely beautiful. But by Hollywood standards, she's basically a hobgoblin.


You don't think it's believable for people who are 'mismatched' to fall in love? Are you on crack?

Look at how beautiful Brittany Murphy was - and the husband she had, who I'm sure people would have never imagined her with, due to her beauty and her dating men such as Ashton.

In REALITY - love goes beyond looks.

Because it's never possible for a gorgeous muscular man to ever fall in love with an overweight girl who wears big glasses and has braces on her teeth

Or a slim sexy big busted young model to fall in love with a 40 year old skinny computer nerd.

When two hearts meet - the outer shell becomes nothing more than just a wall that binds your beautiful soul together.

It's about time Movies and TV in general stopped the bullcrap of people being out of each other's leagues.
