MovieChat Forums > Inferno (2016) Discussion > It's disgusting how they refuse to cast ...

It's disgusting how they refuse to cast women of the same age

as the leading man. I'm not even an older woman and I wouldn't support this movie for this reason. I'm just sick of it. It's sexist.


Feminism is cancer. 


If it is sexist go make a film about an older women in her 50's hunting down a evil organisation with a hunky guy on his 30's. How about Meryl Streep and Tom Hiddleston throw in a few steamy sex scenes and all the femenists shut up. Except you don't because you would argue a younger female should take the leade and have an older man as her slave.


Perhaps the question of the young female character should be more directed to the author Dan Brown.

I don't know what his original motive was in the original manuscripts for the book, so I don't know. Maybe he had originally created an older female character but once the publishing industry got their hands on his writing, they had him change it to a much younger woman in order to appeal to readers.

The publishing industry is just as much sexist as the film industry. JK Rowling comes to mind with her name change here.


Well the answer is simple: Dan Brown transposes himself in the protagonist of his novel and he daydreams about being chased by young, attractive and intelligent females.

Mystery solved!!!

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


They cast an actress who is the same age as the character in the book (she's a bit older than the character, actually). Also, some of the greatest movies of all time featured leads who had big age differences between them. Sabrina. Roman Holiday. Casablanca. Vertigo. Etc. Stop looking for excuses to get offended about things just because you're bored.

I'm telling you it's Keyser Soze!


Then write a *beep* story with an older woman and a younger male. It's that simple.



Shut the *beep* up you stupid feminazi. There's no romantic tension between the two characters in the book. If anyone's sexist or ageist, it's you.


Please, consider that the problem here is that Robert Langdon is younger than Tom Hanks is in real life. So the problem is not the age of his romantic interest, which is actually more or less faithful to the book, but the fact that he is older than his character.
