MovieChat Forums > In a Violent Nature (2024) Discussion > Liked the idea, but the execution wasn't...

Liked the idea, but the execution wasn't good

Not a terrible movie by any means, but hard to recommend. It has some good kills even though one of them is straight out of a cartoon and the idea of showing it from the POV of the killer is cool. However, the pacing is just way too slow at certain points and it starts to get repetitive. It's only an hour and a half, but you really do feel the length. Doesn't help that the acting and dialogue is just awful and the ending falls flat. Not upset I saw it, but I wouldn't pay money to see it in theaters. Worth a watch when it hits Shudder. 5/10


Thanks for your thoughts. I'm keen to see this but I'll bear in mind what you say.


I think it's worth a watch if your interested and know what you are getting into, but probably wait for it to hit Shudder in a month or two.




Okay, I watched it (finally). Pretty much agree with everything you said. I gave it a 6/10


Been burned a few times lately on "critically acclaimed" movies. Infinity Pool and Civil War being the two flicks. I'll be waiting to stream, that way I can back out easy if Im not feeling connected to it.


I understand not wanting to spend money on movies that you were disappointed in, but Infinity Pool was not critically acclaimed. It got mostly good reviews, but it was a Cronenberg body horror film, that would not connect with the mainstream and was not heavily marketed.


Critically acclaimed as in RT critic score. Should have said that, my bad.


Okay, gotcha.


Saw it today, it was deece. It wasn’t awful, but I did go in knowing it’s going to be a slower movie


That seems to be the consensus: very slow and atmospheric with graphic gore throughout. I was going to give in a look but every theatre around me pushed it out to make room for Inside Out 2 and Bad Boys 4.


Only had a 2pm and 8pm showing at mine.

The 2pm showing had a pretty good turn out, if I had to guess, 20 or so people



I loved Civil War, was non stop action suspense done well imo.


It would have been a good short film.


Agree. 30 minutes it could've worked.




totally agree with you here. Its unfortunate because i really wanted to like this movie. The concept was perfect for me. Ugh. Also, what's up with that random fire talk about "cancel culture"? it was pointless, 0 setup and 0 payoff


and yes their is allot of executions in this movie.




I agree with you, this movie is just boring


I found it to be strangely sad. The first half to two-thirds, you're strangely sympathetic to the horrible homicidal monster. There's something very sad about how he lumbers about, not sure where to go, killing anyone he sees at random for no reason other than because they're there. The scene where he finds, stops, and momentarily plays with the toy car attached to the keychain was weirdly humanizing; it makes you realize that this is just an angry child in a monster's body lashing out at anyone he sees, regardless of who they are or whether or not they had any direct involvement with his death.

The kills here are similarly sad; none of these people deserve to die the way they did, and their murders are more depressing than horrifying, especially the girl drowned in the lake and the "hero" ranger. The ranger's in particular was so drawn out and unpleasant and slow, it's like, why? Why did he deserve such a fate? It felt so personal. The killer didn't just kill him, he paralyzed him, then slowly and meticulously showed how he would kill him before doing the deed. It felt extremely deliberate and planned.

The yoga girl, sure she was annoying, but the way she died was so sad, and the killer just kicks her body off the cliff like she was a piece of garbage, the film lingering on the shot of her body slowly falling and getting caught half way down. This was a deliberate filmmaking choice.

I was never horrified or scared while watching this. There are some creepy moments, but they're very few and fleeting. The overwhelming feeling I got for this film was sadness. Not sure if that was intentional or what it means exactly, if anything, but that's what the film conveyed to me.
