MovieChat Forums > The Theory of Everything (2014) Discussion > I take it that Christians hate this movi...

I take it that Christians hate this movie, right?

You know how they get when people don't accept the existance of God as a fact.


It's a movie about someone who happens to be an atheist. Which I knew prior to turning it on. Not liking the movie for the reason you suggested is like complaining that a movie dealing with the Catholic priest scandal is about pedophiles, or that *Into the Woods* was a musical.

Theory isn't one of my favorite movies and isn't one I'd watch again, but the reasons have nothing to do with its portrayal of God.


it's actually a movie about a devout Christian who is married to an atheist. it is as much from a christian point of view as an atheist one.


Well I'm catholic and we do believe in science, evolution and etc.

In fact the Father of the Big Bang Theory was a priest named Monsignor Georges Lemaître


and just how do you get, when people don't accept your beliefs as fact?


I consider myself an evangelical conservative christian, I'm studing to become a pastor and I loved this film. So did Damaris


As a near Hitchens level anti theist I felt that if there is ever any positive to religion it is when it gives strength to people to endure. The wife leaned on her faith (and co-believers) to get through the struggle. The choirmaster was portrayed as damn near a saint. The only off-putting part to me was the guilt ridden expressions after the night in the tent, as if they would be punished for their "sin" by the third party being struck down with illness.
I actually enjoyed the bit where the wife is delighted by the God reference in his book (this was added to the book on the insistence of the editor) and Hawking actually does let her have her " moment" without pointing out his views have not changed one iota.
So overall I think Christians would feel not only were they portrayed well in the movie, but the idea of faith was given a boost too.


i think to feel guilty when you have committed adultery is probably quite natural whether you are religious or not.


Of course, but they don't portray that guilt until they get the bad news.

Plus it seemed clear by that stage that Hawking had given his tacit blessing to their relationship, I would have too in his situation.



I love how athiests don't believe in anything yet they love to tell everybody else how they think. I feel it's like a self validating mechanism that if an athiest keeps telling himself there is nothing that they reinforce the belief there is nothing.

For people that want proof(which misses the point), do your own research on the actual historical and archaelogical facts of Jesus. Thinking for yourself and challenging yourself is all part of the journey of faith.

That is something you will never ever hear from an athiest because they rely on uniformity and self delusion to propagate their lie.



Jesus DID exist, there is literally no proof of God's existence.
Well, John Lennox would probably disagree with that, especially since Jesus' close associations with the proof of God. Not to mention that the Bible itself can't be discounted as a source of information due to the fact historicity within it has been proven to be through archaeological and historical discoveries.



I'm an atheist, but I really don't care how you think. You can believe all the silliness you want, just don't pester me about it. There is no archaeological or historical evidence that Jesus existed, let alone that he was a supernatural being. Grow up.


The existence of god is only a "FACT" because you say it is. There is no evidence. All you have is a book, which was written by people. I didn't hate this movie, I liked it moderately.
