MovieChat Forums > Hot Pursuit (2015) Discussion > Is it really that bad?

Is it really that bad?

I remember thinking ReeseW had some impressive comedic skills back when I first watched Election at the movies. I was pleasantly surprised. I don't think I've seen those skills since then. This movie sounds great on paper (female Midnight Run) and that other woman seems funny and a good mismatch, but I hear it all falls flat and that it's not entertaining or funny. Was it the script? The acting? Was there no chemistry?

Reese has been coasting on that Oscar for about a decade now. She's lucky she produced Gone Girl.

I feel bad for that Sophia actress. She's beautiful and seems funny. This was her one shot at a film career. She won't be anchoring anymore theatrical releases.


It wasn't as bad as people said. It was fine, though it could have been a lot better. Thankfully, it's Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara. Swap them for anyone else, it would have been a complete disaster. It is a hit or miss. I would not recommend watching it repeatedly. The script was the main issue. I did laugh, but the laughs did seem cheap at times. Then there's the trolls because of negative reviews, which is worse if you want to do filmmaking, as I do. But these films are necessary. It doesn't always have to be Casablanca. Just expect a silly comedy. For me, overall, it's a guilty pleasure. 3/5. If you see the film, enjoy.


Is it really that bad?
An unfunny comedy is pretty darn bad
Was it the script?
The acting? Was there no chemistry?
Definitely both. There's plenty of blame to spread around.
I feel bad for that Sophia actress. She's beautiful and seems funny. This was her one shot at a film career.
Don't waste your sympathy on the highest paid television actor. If she wants to make another film, hopefully she'll choose better than this tone deaf so-called comedy.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


> Is it really that bad?

It was about average for a buddy comedy. It didn't bother me at all.

> Reese has been coasting on that Oscar for about a decade now.

I think you've missed some of her work, like Wild. However, as I watched this film I kept thinking that Anna Faris would have been better for the role.

> This was her one shot at a film career.

She is the highest paid woman on television. She'll get another shot.


> Is it really that bad?

I didn't think so. It is very silly, with forced situations, but I found it entertaining nevertheless.

Sophia Vergara had some funny moments.


It really is that's only because my life is so pathetic that I managed to finish this pathetically unfunny movie.

but hey, even the worst movies have fans.



I found it pretty abysmal, and I'm usually open-minded about silly movies (they can be fun).

The characters were so poorly developed - truly 2 dimensional and ridiculous. The dialog was cringe-worthy. The whole thing played like an SNL sketch on a slow week.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


The two leads actually do have a decent chemistry, but the script does them absolutely no favors. This movie pretty much sucks.



I went into this thinking "oh it should be reasonably funny" ....

It wasn't.

Miss Witherspoon was SO out of her "comfort" zone with both the comedy and the serious parts.

It seemed like she was trying TOO hard and sadly it didn't work.

"Kill them ... Kill them all ..."

