MovieChat Forums > Obvious Child (2014) Discussion > One of the sickest movies ever: it shou...

One of the sickest movies ever: it should be called 'Child Murderer'

I can't believe that sickos are making a movie that glorifies murdering babies.

Nor can I believe that other sickos are willing to pay to see a movie that glorifies murdering babies.

This is easily one of the sickest movies ever made. This movie makes Cannibal Holocaust look like It's A Wonderful Life.

That this abomination has a 7.1 on IMDB and a high rating on metacritic with not one professional critic speaking out about the fact that this film promotes the murder of babies proves beyond any doubt that the world is full of sickos.

At least all of said sickos will have to account to God one day for their acts of and/or support of baby-murdering.



But you are missing one of the main points of the movie - the importance of HAVING THE CHOICE to continue an unplanned pregnancy, or end it. If 'glorifying child murder' was the point of the movie, then it would have shown the murder of an ALREADY BORN baby or child! Gotcha there, mr. religious fanatic!


Baby murdering... Am I mistaken, or does it sound like KILLING FREAKING CELLS?

"After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." - F. Nietzsche


It did not glorify "murdering babies". You are a moron. Perhaps your mother should have considered an abortion.


You realize your second statement contradicts your first. You wished his mother would have an abortion so that he would be dead. An abortion would have killed him. Kill vs murder is a matter of semantics. Abortion is killing somebody, as you pointed out.
