MovieChat Forums > Obvious Child (2014) Discussion > One of the sickest movies ever: it shou...

One of the sickest movies ever: it should be called 'Child Murderer'

I can't believe that sickos are making a movie that glorifies murdering babies.

Nor can I believe that other sickos are willing to pay to see a movie that glorifies murdering babies.

This is easily one of the sickest movies ever made. This movie makes Cannibal Holocaust look like It's A Wonderful Life.

That this abomination has a 7.1 on IMDB and a high rating on metacritic with not one professional critic speaking out about the fact that this film promotes the murder of babies proves beyond any doubt that the world is full of sickos.

At least all of said sickos will have to account to God one day for their acts of and/or support of baby-murdering.



Abortion is not murder, but seeing as how you think it is, what is your opinion of Dirty Harry? Rambo? any Chuck Norris movie?


The murders in Dirty Harry, Rambo and Chuck Norris movies are despicable, too. I'm glad that Dirty Harry, Rambo and Chuck Norris usually bring the murderers to justice.

And abortion is murder.


Abortion is not murder

Yes it is. A rose by any other name is still a rose. In the same way murder by the name of "abortion" is still murder.

what is your opinion of Dirty Harry? Rambo? any Chuck Norris movie?

None of those films encourage and glorify the murdering of babies as does "Obvious Child [Murderer]"(2014). Therefore, I don't see how your question is relevant.


Murder is an unlawful killing of another human being. That's literally what it means. So unless abortion is illegal it isn't murder.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


Logic is not allowed when arguing with these people. 👎


Sadly you are part of the bigoted religious minority that have such a sway over abortion in the USA. You comments are quite disproportionate.

Hopefully all us 'Sickos' that found it a rational, calm voice will prevail.

PS: There is no God!

Have a Nice Day...


Sadly you are part of the group of non-religious liberals who feel the need to force your beliefs on others in an attempt to make yourself feel smarter. Well let me tell ya; it makes you look dumb.

Everyone can have their own opinions.


Hopefully all us 'Sickos' that found it a rational, calm voice will prevail.

Murdering babies is the opposite of "calmness" or "rationality." On the contrary, it is the very definition of insane, anti-social psychopathic evil. I don't agree with your assertion that psychopaths of your kind are a "majority," but even if you were, that would not diminish your psychotic evilness one iota.


I gave the movie an 8. Have a nice day.


Same here. Hesitated about giving it a 9, still do. Good day to you, OP.


I gave the movie an 8. Have a nice day.

Same here. Hesitated about giving it a 9, still do.

Okay. Have fun trying to justify your psychopathic support for murdering babies to God when you come before his Judgement Seat and the time comes for Him to decide where you will be spending your eternity.


Have fun justify your judging others when God explicitly told you not to do that. Sin is sin and you don't seem sorry about committing yours, so you probably will meet everyone else in Hell.


I love stupid Christians who rant about morality, but who have never read the Bible.

Abortion is allowed in the Bible. If a wife gets pregnant by a man who isn't her husband, he is supposed to take her to the priest who will give her a poison that induces an abortion.

Additionally, the fetus isn't considered a child until after it breathes its first breath. You don't include them in the census until they are three years old.

If you hit a pregnant woman and she has a miscarriage, you pay the father some silver for damaging his property. If the woman dies, you get executed.

"At least all of said sickos will have to account to God..."

Which one? According to the Bible there are multiple gods.


Sounds like BS, you don't cite any passage, but it's true that infanticide goes back to the savage age. In 10 years the abortion clinics will probably close as women choose to give birth at home and then sacrifice and eat their babies


I agree a s babies are delicious!


Sounds like BS, you don't cite any passage,

I know you won't accept this source.....but here goes anyways...

Shame on the other guy for not providing any sources though. Took 4 seconds to find this.


Abortion is allowed in the Bible. If a wife gets pregnant by a man who isn't her husband, he is supposed to take her to the priest who will give her a poison that induces an abortion.

Pure bollocks. Priests are not murderers, unless they are satanic "priests."

Additionally, the fetus isn't considered a child until after it breathes its first breath

There is no such thing as "fetus." "Fetus" is just a fake word that people who murder and/or support the murder of babies make up in order to rename the word "baby" for the sake dehumanizing babies so that their murders can be "justified" in the eyes of the psychopaths.

Just as murder by the name of "abortion" is still murder, a baby by the name of "fetus" is still a baby. And murdering that baby that you call "fetus" is still murder.

In other words, as much as they always try to, psychopathic murderers cannot weasel out of their murderous ways by renaming words to make their acts of murder sound better.

Which one?

The God who created the heavens and the earth, and who judges every person after death, at which time He ensures that all unrepentant murderers and their supporters/enablers always get forever cast into Hell.


Yadda,yadda,yadda. Same old, same old. Rant, rant, rant.


I can't believe that sickos are making a movie that glorifies murdering babies.

I never get the murdering BABY part. Is that too make it sound more dramatic? Ok, if you say "murder a human" or "murder a fetus" I would get it but a baby is a human being at the age of zero to about one years old. Everything before and after that isn't a baby.

At least all of said sickos will have to account to God one day for their acts of and/or support of baby-murdering.

Who is God? Oh, is that this imaginary guy who lives in the clouds retarded morons believe in who believe in fairytales from a 2000 year old book?


Everything before and after that isn't a baby.

Wrong. If a conception occurred, a baby exists. Contrary to what you have said, a baby younger than the age of zero is still a baby.

Is that too make it sound more dramatic?

No, it's to call a spade a spade and state in plain English exactly what happens when baby murderers "abort" - that is, murder - their babies.

Who is God? Oh, is that this imaginary guy who lives in the clouds retarded morons believe in who believe in fairytales from a 2000 year old book?

You can mock God now, but eventually you will meet Him and have to give an account of your life. At that point, you won't be in a mocking mood any more, and you will wish that you had lived a moral life instead of a life spent "justifying" the murder of babies and mocking God.


He gonna wish he spent more time on IMDB judging other people!

Am I right?

I'm sure God appreciates all your "help".

