Dreadful film - little more than a Jon Favreau wet dream
Honestly: what a crock of *beep* Ripping off the popularity of TV cooking shows / chefs and then asking the audience to believe that this charmless, self-centered, slobbish, oaf of a deadbeat dad is irresistible to 2 women at least 20 years younger and 2000 times hotter than him. I know many women aren't as focused on looks as men are (sweeping generalisation I know!), but this guy had all the charisma of a tennis racket and less than a quarter of the sex appeal.
A totally unbelievable film featuring an unlikeable lead character who treated his son, his colleagues and his 'squeezes' as bit-part players in his story. One of the worst films I've seen in quite a while.
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation" - Henry David Thoreau