How did they make this mediocre country girl into such a star?
Is it something sexual? I dont get it. All her songs are total trash.
shareIs it something sexual? I dont get it. All her songs are total trash.
shareI think it's because she speaks to the young women of her generation.
shareI don't get it, but then I'm not really her target audience. Just let me have my Pink Floyd.
shareHave you been listening to the atrocious top 10 the recent years? 90 percent is autotuned vocoder hip hop trash. Drake?! The publicist taste has been deteriorating. Look at society. It's been declining for a long time.
shareit's the same reason countless other pop stars get meotoric success while others don't. It's the right blend of timing, catchy tunes, image and appeal. At this point, she's spanned multiple decades of success, so while she isn't my music of choice, only a fool would deny her abilities. Don't confuse her lack of appeal to you as a general lack of appeal.
shareIt's not that she's bad, as much as bland. She makes great future covers. I can understand the appeal, she is an easy listen, but, basically, elevator music.
shareI'm probably not going out on a limb here but .... Are you a trump fan by chance? I bet you are.
shareShe's vanilla. Not chocolate, not strawberry. While she's the favorite to some, many don't love her but they also don't hate her. That quality alone makes her marketable and she is the perfect material for news headlines, in store music, YouTube autoplay and so on.
That said I personally find her music boring and insipid, but it's also not something that I will request be turned off in my presence like many other singers out there.