A 7.3 rating Seriously?

It just makes me laugh how far we have fell, I mean come on. So you play chicken with a guy and you come out the car with barely a scratch on you, because you had a reinforced whoosewhatsee. Not to mention the terrible acting and cheesy dialogue and to have a whole parking lot fall on you and you coming out alive. This was painful to watch, except for the end, this movie offers nothing but cheap thrills that make you chuckle. This film should be placed in the Sci-Fi genre because it makes everyone in it seem like a superhero. And for hollywood to profit of some utter garbage is pathetic. Everyone one of the actors seem like they are trapped in a 17 year old kids body, from the utterly cheesy Vin Diesel (Find Me Guilty being his only decent performance), to the too big for the big screen Dewayne should've stayed with Wrestling Johnson. I mean to have this movie receive a 7.3 is just utterly disgusting, and to have it receive 81% from Rotten Tomatoes is truly a slap in the face for any honest person.

I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none.



Yeah... because he disagrees with you, he's a Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-loving, action-movie-hating bitch. And a prick. And dumb. For voicing his opinion, he's dumb. What uncanny logic. And here you are, guns a' blazin', blindly calling him names, because you can't handle someone disagreeing with you. "Dumb". Aren't we calling the kettle black.

PS - By the way, OP, if you're reading this, try not to pay attention to this mcmxcii guy above me. His MO is laying in wait for someone to say anything short of worshipping the Fast and Furious movies so he can jump down your throat with blind name-calling, like so. For some reason he can't handle it if somebody doesn't jack off over these movies as hard as him. Watch, he's gonna do it to me, too.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


Yeah maybe I shouldn't said that, but people should know by now what to expect from Fast and Furious.


Yeah maybe I shouldn't said that, but people should know by now what to expect from Fast and Furious.

I agree with your statement. However these movbies have become increasingly stupid with the last two instalments to the point where screenplay doesn't give §$&% about any coherence and logic.

I don't know what happened but read the Pete Travers review where he says that the movie is pretty average but still gives it 4 stars because of Paul Walker's death. That is how such absurd ratings on metacritic or rottentomatoes can happen.

I like the first Transformers movie which is a pretty dumb movie but I hated all the other ones (luckily I didn't have to pay for them) although I kinda knew what to expect. But if you have more of the bad things and less of the good things the movie will eventually just be bad.


Yeah maybe I shouldn't said that, but people should know by now what to expect from Fast and Furious.

The first movie (from 2001) was actually good. That's what I expected. It went downhill faster and faster after the second, up to jason statham/van damme/seagal quality type of fantasy brainless stupid non-sensical action.




I don't know man. I'm only 40 minutes in but 90% of those where melodramatic soap opera scenes between the guys and their women/family and barely tolerable dialogue and stupid exposition. Hardly what I would call an action movie. I liked several of the Fast and Furious movies but so far this one blows massively.


I agree with everything you said except that Vin Diesel's only decent performance was in Find Me Guilty, I haven't seen it, but he was great in The Iron Giant and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Communism was just a red herring!


It's only rated at a 7.3 because a lot of people gave it a 10 out of respect for Paul Walker. Personally, I don't think it deserves to be rated so high.


I saw 7.3 and scrolled down to the Message Board and saw 2 posts about "7.3 rating??" At least I don't have to make a post...

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


Lol, me too, exact same. How the heck is does this have a good rating? Tons of likable actors, but the movie is so so so bad. It's on par with stathems movies other than snatch and I love vin and paul, but this movies just sucks.


It deserves like a 7.8, imo. I personally gave it a 9.

The Aluminum Monster


It deserves at 6.8 at best. They are, pure and simply, cash grabs.

I honestly think that if weren't for Paul Walker's death, then it would have got a much lower rating.

Also, the fact that this is the most critically acclaimed installment in the series, really goes to show what the quality of the rest of series is like.


I disagree.

And you have a Star Wars avayar and are describing other franchises as "pure and simple cash grabs" lol.

The Aluminum Monster


I hated this movie but when someone is right I'll call it...and a Star Wars fan calling FF movies "cash grabs" is well, beyond ironic. As far as I'm concerned Star Wars ended with "The Return of the Jedi." And renaming them and putting them in different order? What the F is that? Suddenly the first movie is Part 4? (or whatever). Stupid. The ones past TRTJ are merely cash grab rip-offs. It was a trilogy. It ended with the Ewoks.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


I agree with you that the SW universe has become a 'cash grab', but writing:

And renaming them and putting them in different order? What the F is that? Suddenly the first movie is Part 4? (or whatever). Stupid. The ones past TRTJ are merely cash grab rip-offs. It was a trilogy

That statement is simply beyond me. It is true that SW was not intended to go beyond a trilogy, but already while writing episode V did Lucas start to explore the possibility of making a trilogy that should function as prequals.

In 1978 Lucas was interviewed in relation to episode V by Starlog Magazine:

"We were going to call it STAR WARS: EPISODE II — THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, but we ran into some problems. You see, although this story is a direct sequel to the first movie, we have three more stories that we eventually want to film that actually occur before the point where the first Star Wars begins. So we’ve been toying with the idea of ignoring the numbers completely. Instead, we’ll give each movie episode a unique title. I mean, if we had to give each film its true number in the series, this movie would be called EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. The first film would be called Episode IV!"

So it was a hexalogy even before The Empire Strikes Back was filmed. For you it might have ended with the ewoks, but people have known for many decades that Lucas eventually wanted to make more films and explore the fall of Anakin.


"And renaming them and putting them in different order?"

did same with FnF!
cos Han


Wait, this is the most critically acclaimed? That says more about the critics than it does about this bad movie. The first one may have not made cinematic history, but it was so much better than this. It was fun, may not have been real, but it was better than this garbage. I hate to hate this because I love the actors. If the writers and directors ever read this...*beep* YOU, your movie sucks


I'm proud to see how far they have risen to fully embracing their over the top nature.


A 7.3 rating Seriously?
Since IMDb isn't the only place(it also received a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes) where people have given Furious 7 a high rating,people like me are in the minority when it comes to this movie.While watching this movie I seriously couldn't see what others were saying that makes Furious 7 such a good movie and deserving of a high rating.I was really disappointed.


I got the same feeling after watching The Avengers. I was like, 'Top 250??? Seriously???'


wait, avengers is top 250? I used to respect the top 250. I've always thought there was a place for dumb action, it can be enjoyable. But it usually doesn't make for a good movie and doesn't deserve a good rating.


I agree it was a totally *beep* movie, like a two hour long commercial. So corny those small Corona-commercials in the movie. super bad acting, no story. I just hoped all of em would be killed. Paul Walker style...
