This movie could have been great

With better editing and casting. Sam Jackson was awful - hes a terrible actor.
The Harry Hart and Eggsy characters were great.
I hated the MeDonalds commercial - the product placement.
The background music was overly dramatic.
Some of the tests were awful - of course you don't send anyone out of a plane without a parachute.
You don't order someone to kill their dog without a reason.

The bar scene Harry Hart was great. Then in the end when Eggsy "became" the new Harry was great too.


Sam Jackson was awful - hes a terrible actor.

Wrong on both parts.

I hated the MeDonalds commercial - the product placement.

Stop whining. It's not a big deal.

The background music was overly dramatic.

I hardly even noticed the backround music.

Some of the tests were awful - of course you don't send anyone out of a plane without a parachute.

He did have a parachute. The tests were awful because they needed to weed out the weak and stupid, just like special forces units in the military. If they let just anybody into the Kingsman it wouldn't work.

You don't order someone to kill their dog without a reason.

They did have a reason and the dog wasn't in any danger.

Stupid complaints from a stupid person.

You strike me as someone who didn't watch the movie and only saw a few clips of it on CinemaSins.

Never trust a black man named "Chip."


About the dogs... Then you didn't like in "Borne" when he was ordered to kill the hooded guy as HIS test?

In this story, they had blanks, anyway. And everyone did have a 'chute, as Merlin proved after they'd all landed.

Don't you think lives are risked during training for some SpecOps groups?

It's your opinion, of course. I'm just disagreeing via questions.
