MovieChat Forums > Terrifier 3 (2024) Discussion > How long can this series go…?

How long can this series go…?

I saw Terrifier 1 and was not impressed - it was a very low budget basic slasher .. Terrifier 2 came out and I watched it and it was entertaining for what it was - an extremely violent movie with a killer clown . Towards the end it got a bit messy though with the magical sword business ..

I have not seen Terrifier 3 but I imagine it’s like 2 with even more gore .. what I’m curious is how far can they take this? You can’t really just keep raising the fire without giving us something else .. I’ve been saying Art the clown can be the Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees of modern day horror but they need to give him somewhat of an interesting backstory which they have failed to do

So how many more Terrifiers will we see before it gets tired?


I have not seen Terrifier 3 but I imagine it’s like 2 with even more gore

Nope. Less story, more over the top gore porn.

I’ve been saying Art the clown can be the Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees of modern day horror but they need to give him somewhat of an interesting backstory which they have failed to do

I think they can't at this point. The writing is complete shit. They focus too much on the main girl with all this Valkyrie nonsense while not diving deep enough into Art's origin. The first movie had something going for itself but continued to get dumber with each sequel. It sadly won't change either because audiences are eating up what's given to them, which is over the top gore over substance.


Damn that’s very unfortunate. I was thinking it can’t be that difficult to sit around and brainstorm and come up with a decent backstory for Art, can it? How can their writing team be that weak and just move forward with just more gore? I’m ok with gore but to solely go with that approach is very weak and disappointing as there is a lot of potential for Art .

I’m honestly surprised that Terrifier has hit this stride like it has but the horror genre needed it. It’s just another Saw or Hostel type series though


Yeah it is very unfortunate. I guess in their eyes, "if it sells, why change it?". The director needs to bring in some other creatives. He's shown that he can't pull it off on his own.


If Saw can be any indication: 10 movies. Why not? There aren't other horror franchises making this much money.

I agree that #1 wasn't good. It's boring with good gore.

I like #2 but it's overlong. We got more personality with Art and gore that's crazy.

#3 has a better sense of humor with Art, hardcore gore, and less story. It feels quick unlike the previous two which helps.

Fans enjoy seeing Art pull some insane violence while being insane with his expressions and mannerisms. If you don't enjoy that, then stay away. There's nothing wrong if you're not into it.


Wait, there are 10 Saw movies? I thought they were only up to 6’or so with Chris Rick lol.. I thought they were only first Saw was solid but the sequel was ok and I’d seen enough .. I get why it has a cult following though

Poster above said #3 has even less story than #2, is this true? Seems they are not even trying to tell us who Art is in terms of his background and that’s a mistake .. I’m fine with them just given us a few hints but still keeping it mysterious - similar to the Joker character in Batman I guess

I enjoyed #2 but just felt if they stayed with it being a gorefest that it may have 1 or 2 more movies in the tank tops. I’ve been wrong before though

Horror genre needs a modern icon .. seems Art may be it


There's some indication of what he is but it's being dolled out like a Georgia RR Martin story.


I loved T2 but I agree it was overlong.


Terrifier 1 is crap.

Terrifier 2 is massively superior.

Terrifier 3 is the best one.


Terrifier seems like a shot in the arm for horror, a jab to fend-off the so called 'elevated horror' fad, with a new OTT gore-villain to cheer for (and an insanely hot final girl in Lauren LaVera). It doesn't need to be complicated, just keep it fun. So long as they do that I can see a good few more years in it.


Terrifier: In Space (2037)


For me, this series is not about the plot as much as it is about the practical effects (and my admiration of the craft that goes into such ACTUAL movie magic) and the way it was shot with proper long shots, lighting, old school smoke and carbon arcs and whatnot harking back to that 80s Carpenter/Craven style.

If this series shows that practical effects (not $500 million worth of CGI) will sell movies with relatively low budgets then what does it matter? If it can be entertaining right now but more importantly, show and inspire other fimmakers to actually get back into the process of "real" moviemaking and not just cobble together some hollow weightless smeared CGI blowing up the entire universe (sorry, multiverse) again in another cynical cash grab of some thoroughly beaten-to-death and defiled nostalgic property, and get together with actual craftsmen and artists to make something where anyone actually gives a shit, then isn't that by itself a good thing?


I understand that after confirming Terrifier 4 last month, director Leone has said the fourth will be the final one.

Let's see...
