MovieChat Forums > Terrifier 3 (2024) Discussion > It Takes A Special Person To Watch This ...

It Takes A Special Person To Watch This Sort Of Shit

Now, I enjoy Horror movies, whether it's the Classic Friday the 13th movies or even a more psychological type of horror like The SHINING and the last movie I just watched was "CUJO", but the more modern day slasher like this feels more like it's more of a gorefest, torture porn so to speak and I just feel like there's nothing good that comes from these type of movies. Anyone else feel the same or do all of you pretty much love this sort of thing?? 🤔


I'm really weird when it comes to horror movies. If it's a slasher movie like Jason or Freddy I can watch them and laugh as nothing about it could realistically happen in real life. If the scenarios of the movie could actually happen such as the torture and killing of women and men by a guy who dressed up as a clown that's when I don't watch those kind of horror movies. A part of me wants to watch at least the first Terrifier but I have yet to do so. I hope my ramblings makes sense.


Yes. Spot on


This is also why even if I have watched the first Human Centipede I will never watch the sequels.


Early slashers like Halloween, Black Christmas and the first handful of Friday the 13th's could happen as or more easily than Terrifier. So if realism is an issue for you I don't understand.

Many early slashers are basically just serial killer movies and unfortunately serial killers are very real.

There was controversy over Black Christmas' television premiere because it was broadcasting two weeks after Ted Bundy's attack on a sorority house in Florida.


Yes I know serial killers exist but I think of things such as settings as the 80s were a completely different world from today. If you think of Jason voorhes he's kind of a Supernatural being. Also the kills are very cartoonish when practical effects are involved.


Isn't Art the clown is a supernatural being as well?


this stuff happens irl


I'm pretty desensitized to violence and seen plenty of "extreme" horror films so gore doesn't bother me. The problem for me is that the gore in these movies is so cartoonish and over the top it just comes off as too try hard to impress me. The first Terrifier I thought in particular was complete trash.


To each their own buddy.

Modern horror movies are often more intense and graphic than those from 30-40-50-60 years ago. Different people have their own cut-off points for what they can stomach and enjoy, I myself really enjoy these movies.

I'll always fight in defense of 'torture porn'. Back when the early 00s horror movies started one upping the classics from the 70s and 80s there was a real backlash. Some of those backlashing loved movies like The Thing, The Evil Dead, The Fly, Hellraiser, Day of the Dead, Zombie II, The Beyond... you know, really gory movies. So it always reeked of double standards to me that people who adore gruesome flicks would suddenly draw the line because the newer movies had superior editing and a heavier atmosphere, resulting in a more intense and brutal tone even though the gore was at times lesser than the 80s movies which now felt cheesy in comparison.

A similar thing happens with 'jumpscares'. So many people who complain about them come across as some sort of victim support group "jumpscares are really bad and not scary at all, right guys? haha, so stupid, give me real horror like Nosferatu (1922), now that's scary". Yeah okay. One of my favorite jumpscare criticisms which I've heard several times over the years is "a jumpscare is like a comedian tickling you", they're pretty much admitting it's effective but they feel it's 'cheating'.


I don't think these films are necessarily good, but they're entertaining enough to watch during Halloween. The first film has a good Halloween night vibe. It's best not to take these seriously and just enjoy the stupidity of it all.


Im probably going to watch the first Terrifier and All Hallows Eve in October since they're free to watch on Tubi.


I haven't seen All Hallows Eve, but the first Terrifier is good for a Halloween movie that takes place on Halloween. It'll put you in the zone, but the film itself isn't great.


All Hallows Eve is the first movie featuring Art the Clown and I think is made by the same director.


I'm aware. I know he's not in it a lot too.


It’s extremely gory, but there’s often a layer of comedy underlying it, which mitigates the shock / disturbance in the viewer




he's right. it's not straight-faced horror.


What comedy? You know gore is a part of real life right. Reality is often worse than fiction so the realism argument doesn’t hold up


Numpty, these are very tongue-in-cheek, self-aware films.


Spot on BKB.

Particularly "SAW" movies where the so called plot is only there to segway from one horrific scene of mutilation to the next.

I just feel like there's nothing good that comes from these type of movies
Same .
I feel like saying they should be banned , or people watching them should be on a register ...... but its a free country and that sort censoring or monitoring would be ... worse


I'm with you. There's nothing "tasteful" (for lack of a better term) about the way he goes about in killing people. It's mainly, "how can I kill these random groups of people in the goriest fashion imaginable?". It was a sight to see in the first film but it's gotten to be way overdone in these sequels.


I'm bumping this up in honor of the $18 Million this made at the box office over the weekend. Unreal 🙄
