Opening skit

Was that thing with Belushi and the wolverines actually funny or will people laugh at anything?


Opening skit
posted 18 minutes ago by bistritapcv (1948)

Was that thing with Belushi and the wolverines actually funny or will people laugh at anything?"

Back in this Era, yeah it was funny and it's even more funny to hear Gen Z Bagging on a show like this when SNL in 2025 will come nowhere near as good as the show used to be decades earlier


I'm an elder millennial, and I didn't think that skit was funny either. Still liked the movie though.


I agree that the first sketch was not good at all. However, after that there dozens upon dozens in the first 5 years that were comedy gold. My favorite was the Sodom Chamber of Commerce brainstorming about how to improve their city's reputation.


...or will people laugh at anything?

Some people will.

Here's the deal, though. As you no doubt know this was the inaugural broadcast and most of it was not that great.

The courtroom thing was kind of funny. George Carlin, by his own request, only did a couple of his routines that were safe for TV and then introduced the musical acts. If he had not been there no one would have missed him. Andy Kaufman was funny if you liked Andy Kaufman. The Land of Gorch segment was the best part of that show IMO. Most of the rest of it was pretty lame.

It took them a few weeks to hit their stride. They changed the set, featured the guest hosts more prominently and started writing better material.

That's, "sketch," by the way, not, "skit."


"Saturday Night" showed only that opening.


You seem like a humorless douche.
