MovieChat Forums > Queen Cleopatra (2023) Discussion > An opinion that I can agree with 100%

An opinion that I can agree with 100%


I don't agree with the assessment that they "only do it because they don't know African history well enough". They do it to push an agenda, same reason as other shows like Queen Charlotte.


There is also a "African Queens: Njinga", that is 3 shows around the same time, it could be a coordinated push.


What is the agenda?


I think the basic thinking is that if white people could do it, we can do it too. Whitewashing is racist, but if you don't support blackwashing you are a racist.


I don't support blackwashing, and I am not a racist. I'm brown. Are there a lot of people accusing you of being a racist?


I was saying that was the agenda.

I have been accused a lot of things, but so far never been called racist.




That is true ...


This is not an accurate Cleopatra portrait.

Why is this phrase underneath it?
Óchi skatá Sérlok
Which means in Greek. No shit Sherlock
In real Greek
όχι σκατά σέρλοκ

There are no known likenesses of Cleopatra anywhere for that time period. There are only the coins of her and Mark Antony - but they aren’t even accurate. This guy is giving you misinformation parading as a pseudo historian. You’re smarter than that. Maybe not.


What are you waffling on about, letess?


Click on op’s link.


"This is not a Cleopatra portrait painted during her time."

He didn't say that. He textually said "This stunning portrait of Cleopatra was painted around the time of her death, it is the best-surviving likeness".

Yes, it is posthumous but still IS "around the time of her death".

There is no misinformation in there. you are the one spreading missinformation.

The bust of Cleopatra from a museum in Berlin Museum contemporary, made during her lifetime.

And the point of the article is different, not so much about Cleopatra (which whatever you want to say was NOT black) but about the idea that if you want to make a documentary about black African leaders there's plenty of material, no need to steal from other's cultures.


I’m confused.

“This stunning portrait of Cleopatra was painted around the time of her death, it is the best-surviving likeness" ?? Does this mean someone painted a portrait of what they thought she’d look like. The painting doesn’t match the sculpture. And Cleopatra had red hair?

I don’t think there is anything that is definitive. There are writings of Dio and Plutarch and they are conflicting. There are the profiles on the coins but that means Cleopatra looks exactly like Antony. But in history, artists never get the historical figure accurate. The story is the most important.

This Berlin exhibit looks wonderful. The green Caesar is spectacular. And we’ve been in discussions on this and I think you know I did not say Cleopatra was black. You were not happy that I said she could be part Persian. Other historians say Egyptian. They can’t figure out the maternal line. I’ve even given you historians’ references. Primarily, Michael Grant in UK. Duane Roller of US. Cleopatra is not red haired. She is not Nicole Kidman.

But you have to admit this argument works both ways and there have been many white actors playing characters from other cultures and those people feel slighted as well.


"Does this mean someone painted a portrait of what they thought she’d look like."

Or maybe they've seen it.

"You were not happy that I said she could be part Persian." -there is NO historical evidence for that. We know that she has in her genealogy a Seleucid queen but that was not Persian. The Seleucids have ruled Persia but they had been Greek as well.

"But you have to admit this argument works both ways and there have been many white actors playing characters from other cultures and those people feel slighted as well."

And a lot of people complained about that as well, go figure. I disagree with that as well. Plus: those are NOT documentaries ...


What is an amateur historian?

How can you have a documentary with actors? That just tells you something right there. I wonder who thought this up.

Did you watch it?


Even if it's with actors, the actors MUST match as much as possible the original character.

And I said: i disapprove of using white actors where they shouldn't be as well. Unless said actors are made to look the part.

So you're barking the wrong tree.


We are saying the same thing.


No, we are not.

You are pro using a black actress for Cleopatra, I'm not.

And you're tying to attack anything that doesn't support your "view". Like the article in the OP.

Btw, there are other coins with Cleopatra during her lifetime, so your statement that

"There are no known likenesses of Cleopatra anywhere for that time period. There are only the coins of her and Mark Antony - but they aren’t even accurate." is false.

If we would say the same thing you would not be so eager to defend this abomination of casting.


I never said that. Go back and reread. I said Cleopatra was not black. I never endorsed the casting or the production as I have not seen it. I will most likely not watch any Netflix produced movies as I think they’re not very good. And I said that on the other discussion we had. You are misquoting me on everything.


No, im not, you are the one arguing that “cleopatra might had been part Persian” like that would make her darker and that “white actors played all types of characters anyway” like this makes it ok for a black Cleo. Or “anyway a documentary is with actors” like that would make ok to cast a black actress. And you questioned the article as being “misinformation” about how Cleo might have looked …

Did you or you didn’t say all these? Because all those sound to me like you are defending Netflix choice …


You are all over the place. You are putting stuff I didn’t say in quotes and you are making a lot of assumptions. Persian is not black.
This conversation has hit a real low. Good luck to you.


The quotes are literally from you. Maybe not textually but that’s what you said. Do you want me to give you the exact quotes?

I didn’t say Persian is black but it’s darker than Greek.


I would like to see
that “white actors played all types of characters anyway”

What does literally mean and then not textually…


"But you have to admit this argument works both ways and there have been many white actors playing characters from other cultures and those people feel slighted as well."

Yeah, the message of this paragraph has exactly that message, that because white actors did it a lot we should be more accepting of the reverse.

If you are saying the same as me then what is the point of all your posts contradicting my posts???

When you didn't even understand that the main point of the link in my OP was NOT Cleopatra but all the characters that come after her in that link ...


They are not the same and you put what you said I said in quotes and then you added - like this makes it ok for a black Cleo. You are certifiable.


Then you don't understand what you are saying.

And again, that is when you add that with all the shit that you said. Context is important. You pretend to be smart but you don't understand how context works and how that makes your posts sound?

And I'm done with you.

At least you concede that having a lack Cleopatra is not ok.


Barry and big Mike were given 100 million to run Netflix. Why is anyone surprised that Netflix is now pushing child porn and racism. They are the foundation of the mentally ill Democrat party.
