Garbage Film...

I'm sorry, I had to verify my account just to post this, but I believe this was the worst film I have seen in years.

Now I never saw the first Sinister, but my friend gave me the rundown of what little story it had, so I was prepared in that area. Due to heavy thunderstorms causing leaks in several screens, we had no choice but to see this so we thought what the hell, but I have to say I was falling asleep through most of it, and it didn't even provide any jump scares or suspense.

We counted more than 10 people walking out at different points, we stopped counting after 10, but 6 left at once at one point. Luckily for us the ticket was free, but god I don't even see how this movie even has the rating it has on here.

I could go on and on listing all the reasons it was a flop piece of trash, but I've wasted enough time as it is on this, and just wanted to warn others away from it...

EDIT: I have since watched the original film, and guess what? I liked it, and these aren't my type of films these days, but Sinister was good, leaps and bounds better than Sinister 2 ;D


Insidious 3 was worse, but Sinister 2 was pretty bad. It was very predictable from the ending to the jump scares...h my god the jump scares. They were so overused and not ven scary! Why don't these people understand subtlety is much scarier? Also the kids were hilarious and not creepy. I was laughing every time they were on. The foundation of this movie is excellent, I'll say that, but the execution on this one was all around bad.


Well I did watch the first one and I have to say I genuinely loved the first movie, it had an original and creative narrative and with all the cheap jump scares it did have the unnerving and uncomfortable genuinely freaky videos of people being murdered/ tortured which felt both real and LEGITIMATELY scary and ultimately the first movie put me in the film atmosphere and scared me making me walk away with chills thinking, finally a decent horror movie.

As for this absolute piece of s*** I agree with everything you said, I didn't jump once, I shook my head about 7 times saying 'no. why. so unoriginal. just no.' and I left thinking how that was even a worse horror than Carrie 2013 which was previously the worst horror i'd seen in the cinema, it's now at number 2 with Sinister 2 at first place.




I don't get why people put down a horror movie because it has over the top gore. Really? I don't. I rather see over the top gore than any long drawn nothing happening like 'The Conjuring' kind of movie. I won't even bother with Insidious 2 or 3 and pretty much any PG-13 horror lately from last 10 years.

Most movies on this site are backwards rated. The bad rated are better than rated and the rated top as the best are really bad. Example 'Let The Right One In' and rated over 8 for just two teenagers throughout that movie. They were barely mediocre on acting. Glad I only paid $5 for the Blu-Ray. I don't think it was worth that much but $5 is just throw away money.

I am going to go see this no matter what anyone says. Last time I read anything on this site, it was the opposite of what people said. Like I said 'The Conjuring'. People rated it great. It was worst film I saw in years.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.




I have since seen Sinister and I agree, it's leaps and bounds better than the cash cow of a sequel :)




I thought it was decent until the end when the whole movie turned completely worthless. Why the hell did they even run away from a 10 year old? why didnt they just club him over the head and get in the car.. no instead they run into a cornfield. The one dude got half his hand cut off but that didnt bother him much... man I could go on. Such a worthless ending.


I would have to agree with you here, but I found the first one was pretty decent, not great though.


I saw the first one and thought it was good but the second one blew.


It was ok but nowhere near as good as the first one

In Southeast Asia we'd call this kind of thing bad karma.
