Who did you save?

First one to die for me was Matt, then the flamethrower guy, then Chris, then Josh and Sam died last. I thought I killed Jessica but she apparently survived. Also, Sam, Chris and flamethrower guy were accidental. All i had to do was not move but I obviously failed.


Only had two survivors. Chris and Ashley.


My survivors were Mike and Em.
I had Sam too until about three seconds before mike set fire to the cabin but the god damned 'don't move' icon was slowly jittering towards the edge because of the vibration and the wendigo killed her literally as Mike was flipping the switch. I was fuming haha I love Hayden and wanted her to live. I hated Chris and I immediately regretted saving Ashley instead of Josh, but I suppose that choice wouldn't have mattered in the end since josh rigged the game.
I went n00b and had Matt die falling off the cliff when the stags appeared and I had Chris's head blown off failing to shoot the wendigo because I made a last minute attempt to change target and get the canister instead of just the wendigo directly. Jessica died because my friend had a go and Mike slipped on the pipe on his way down and Ashley investigated the noise... Which was funny because as I literally pressed the button to open the hatch I said 'wait... Can't the wendigo mimic its prey?....' And it ripped her head off lol.


Chris Sam and Emily survived on my play through! Mike literally died before end. It told me not to move as Sam....I'm pretty sure I didn't move. Can't remember how he died actually maybe in the blow up of the cabin., great game though!


Matt died in chaper 5 for me very early on, because I stupidly attacked the dear then missed a QTE and fell off the cliff.

Sam died at the end because of the BS that I moved the controller on the last QTE it was a load of BS i didn't move it at all

Josh also died.

And Ashley because I decided to open the door in the ground


I only ended up saving Emily and Mike. The idea of this game is brilliant but the real danger and being able to make decisions of who lives or dies mainly come in the last few chapters.

The plot twist of "oh there's a Wendigo out there" is absurd. I would have preferred the traditional slasher route we were red herring'd with.

Hopefully a sequel happens that perfects that concept. God how great if they got a license and did Friday The 13th? :)

Porch Monkey 4 Life


On one hand I might have preferred the typical slasher route, but on the other hand I don't think there would have been as much action that way, at least not if there was only one killer. The Wendigo story at least seemed a bit different and had a lot of back story to it.


My first play through I lost Matt and Josh, everyone else survived. Lost Matt to a hook through the throat early on (trying to save EMILY ¬¬) and Josh was finished by the Wendigo

Sing for ME my angel of music!


I saved everyone except 3 because of my mistakes.

Chris - Failed to shoot in time
Ashley - Investigated the voice
Josh - Missed the journal


Ashley - Investigated the voice

This sucked! Worst part is that it was our fault.

We made the same stupid cliched decision of a cheap horror film! For some stupid reason I decided to investigate the voice instead of rejoining the group, and right after I made the decision I remembered that the journal said that the Wendigos could imitate humans sometimes, I knew in that moment that I had sent Ashley to her certain death!

Nothing I could do by then...

The GREATEST ally and BEST friend of christianity throughout history is Satan


in my first playthrough I saved everyone except for

-matt.. tried saving Emily twice then got hook through the throat... and
-sam.. literally the very last scene... the very last 'don't move' bit I screwed up when I put the controller down and the controller vibrations made it move too much!

second playthrough saved everyone
third 'half' playthrough I killed everyone..

all done in a bout 13 hours. and a platinum.. loved it but its just too short.
