how much longer can this bad show possibly last?
nowadays shows don't have to be good to last. this show has two of the most annoying and worthless characters in tv show history as their main characters the mom and her son. every single thing the mom says and does is annoying, every look is annoying and obnoxious and over the top. and barry is so worthless, every time he talks he always gives the same stupid irritated, scowl and is over excited everytime he talks. no one ever acts this way.
nowadays shows are always on for 5, 6, 7 years no problem. whereas shows in the '80s, and '90s hardly ever were on for 6 years or longer. it's so weird how this show and so many other shows like it can be on for 7 years. bc nowadays it's not about quality it's about dumbing down everything for stupid people to keep a show popular.