MovieChat Forums > The Goldbergs (2013) Discussion > how much longer can this bad show possib...

how much longer can this bad show possibly last?

nowadays shows don't have to be good to last. this show has two of the most annoying and worthless characters in tv show history as their main characters the mom and her son. every single thing the mom says and does is annoying, every look is annoying and obnoxious and over the top. and barry is so worthless, every time he talks he always gives the same stupid irritated, scowl and is over excited everytime he talks. no one ever acts this way.

nowadays shows are always on for 5, 6, 7 years no problem. whereas shows in the '80s, and '90s hardly ever were on for 6 years or longer. it's so weird how this show and so many other shows like it can be on for 7 years. bc nowadays it's not about quality it's about dumbing down everything for stupid people to keep a show popular.


If you hate the show so much why do you watch it?


I haven't seen a good sitcom in decades, maybe Happy Days when I was a child.

All sitcoms are stupid with one liners and insults that are never funny. They are for morons.

I like Seinfeld, 30 Rock, etc because they weren't sitcoms, they were absurd humor shows, not ones like this and that stupid ass show about the smart nerds, that shit is horrible.


I caught a brief glimpse of this show yesterday and Happy Days was the first thing that came to mind. Remember how it was a show set in the 50's but after a couple seasons all the characters were sporting feathered hair cuts and wearing suspiciously 70's-style clothing? That's exactly what I saw here. The mom character had an awful wig on and lots of makeup, but beyond that everyone appeared to be straight out of 2020.


Happy Days became surreal after awhile which was part of the wacky charm.

The dad always wore a digital watch!

Couldn't they get him to take it off?!


I haven't seen a good sitcom since "Family Matters."


I have a had time tolerating them.

Since I was a child, CBS makes the most heinous sitcoms.

They have this formula: One liner insult...laugh track....counter one liner insult from other character...laugh track....etc.

I watched Big Bang Theory one time and I was horrified to see that in action still. I can't believe people are stupid enough to enjoy it. I could predict what they would say next.

I used to watch 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation because they had absurd humor. But I hate on a ridiculous comedy when they add "romance" and people at home actually get into it. It's an absurd comedy, who care Dick and Jane are in love, none of it is reality based.

I mostly watch Netflix and Amazon if there's anything on. I tend to enjoy talking here and other places more.


I get what you're saying. It's not enough to have the same tropes as other sitcoms. The shows have to have substance to them, and the ones they have now do not. In fact, quite often there's nothing even remotely likeable, redeemable about the characters these days, nor are they really all that funny. The older sitcoms were better because they did character development, they did attempt to make the story funny, but also had serious moments that really resonated with the audience. You don't see that at all these days :(.


I can't even name comedies on TV now.

Character development is a key I think. I liked Family Ties a lot, at the time. Happy Days was another that had characters of various degrees from normal to fantasy. You didn't know what was going to happen from episode to episode.

Of course all of that was fresh back then. There was nothing like it.

The Office, 30 Rock, and a couple others were okay because they were more witty and wacky than traditional. They have been off for years now.


this show has run its course 2 seasons ago, but ABC will proably milk another spin-off off it before they let it die.
Used to enjoy this show, but became repeatative after 3rd season


TV shows like these (particularly from GayBC), tend to cater to the Lowest Mental Common Denominator or LMCD crowd. (You know, morons). So as long as there are stupid people who watch this garbage on networks like GayBC, they're gonna keep churning out enough crap shows to make viewer quota each year.
