I guess I'm asking those who grew up in both the 70's and 80's what they think made the decade so memorable.
For me, it was a happier time. My parents and grandparents were still alive and healthy. Without the internet, there was much less news about the rest of the world, so you weren't constantly bombarded with news about suicide bombings and various terror attacks, and you didn't have to watch the middle east imploding. The country wasn't going bankrupt and most middle class people actually made enough money to live on and support a family (unlike now where "middle class" basically means poverty level).
We witnessed the evolution of video games from just white blips on a TV screen to detailed graphics on a computer monitor. Each new system that came out was a huge leap over what came before and us computer nerds couldn't wait to be blown away by whatever came next.
Everyone wasn't glued to a phone and you could actually have a conversation without being interrupted by a phone call, or a text message. Prices for gas and other things hadn't gone sky-high yet and $3-5 could actually buy you the latest novel from your favorite author.
VCRs were relatively new and it was a fantastic experience to be able to go to the video store and pick out a movie you'd never heard of before to take home and watch. Even cable TV was still relatively new. I still remember when HBO only used to be on for a few hours a day, like 5pm to midnight.
In short, I guess it's mostly that so many things people today take for granted were introduced in the 80s.
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