I think people miss the innocence. Also, there is a perception that people were kinder to each other and happier. I believe that this perception is false but most will believe it to be true for 2 reasons: psychology and our reliance on the internet to provide us with information. I could go on for days about why I believe this to be true but I'll just summarize.
When we consider the past and our relationship to it, we fail to consider how much of our lives are guided by our access to information. The internet changed how we interface with the world because never before did we have access to communication and information. Psychology has shown us that negative experiences will always be remembered more than positive experiences. What is an experience but absorption of information. We absorb information through social media and the internet far more than any other form of media. We build communities online to share ideas and opinions... those opinions become shared experiences. How much of social media is dedicated to sharing shared outrage and anger. How many comments do you see where someone is ranting and raving about something. Websites are dedicated to proposing political ideas and expressing outrage and loathing towards opposing views. Groups grow from online communities to protest and shut down discussion. Our society has become very antagonistic towards each other because we have access to information and our very brains force us to focus on the negative. We look for others who feel the same way... humans will always build communities.
Lastly, I would point out that if you do not know something then it cannot provide you with a negative experience. The 80s were more innocent because there was less proliferation of ideas and opinions.
Some will look at this comment and think that I hate the internet and social media. I do not. I do believe that it has had negative outcomes and if we are honest with ourselves and take a look around... you'll see it too.