MovieChat Forums > Narcos (2015) Discussion > Pablo Escobar was not simply a 'bad' or ...

Pablo Escobar was not simply a 'bad' or 'evil' person

Based on the show anyway. I dislike this dichotomous society we find ourselves in, where someone is obstinately deemed ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Many people try to chastise Escobar; however, based on the show, he was essentially a pretty good person - albeit a complex and troubled one. The crux of the matter is in distributing cocaine worldwide, Pablo Escobar gave the people what they wanted. If people want to indulge in recreational drug experimentation, then I firmly believe they should be allowed to. We should all be accountable for our own actions and Pablo here was simply providing the means to fulfil their wishes.

Various elements of his character were actually admirable. He was a bit of a Robin Hood type character: giving to the poor, investing in the local community and also sporting clubs. Would an evil man do this? He loved his family dearly - even his nasty mother - whom to me was the real villain of the show (admitting to stealing shoes and causing the death of Tata’s brother). During Carlos’ death, Pablo heroically risked his life trying to save him, throwing himself into the incoming gunfire. This was an extremely impressive, selfless act; yet more evidence to attest to his good nature. He even forgave his mother who caused his death.

Wagner Moura stole the show when his daughter innocently asked how Santa would find them now that they were not at home. He tearfully replied, ‘Santa will always find your good and kind heart’, which to me captures the understated sensitivity of the much-maligned Escobar. Towards the end of the season, we also saw him leave his remaining money to his father, such was his unselfish nature. This was the father who disowned him, but Pablo could see past this. Indeed, so much about him should be admired: amassing one of the greatest fortunes in the world, taking everything he wanted from life and not giving in to detractors such as the government and police. And he did all of this with quite a progressive approach: employing women and a multicultural workforce.

Obviously, Pablo Escobar was not innocent and that is not what I’m saying. He did some bad things without doubt. Often though he was provoked and simply defending himself, his loved ones and his territory. Of course, all men should be entitled to do this.

I think my favourite scene of the show was reserved for the finale where he reminisced with the imaginary presence of his cousin, Gustavo. Choking up once more, Pablo remarked that, ‘everything started to fall apart the day you left’. These are not the words of a ruthless, evil man; they are the words of a complex character with a lot of good to him. Following this, the show then concluded after another emotional conversation with his children. He advised his daughter that he had been taking careful care of her bunny. Ask yourself this: do evil men spend their free time caring for little bunnies?


Yes, Rapists and murderers and dictators have parents,"friends" and lovers too.
But they remain rapists and murderers and dictators.


Yes, Rapists and murderers and dictators have parents,"friends" and lovers too.

This is true.

But they remain rapists and murderers and dictators.

Again true.


I do not agree.
He is a bad person who did good deeds from time to time. But at the end he is bad, an evil, horrible person with no regard for human life whatsoever.
The way he decides over life and death is just sickening and his decisions are vile and evil.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


As I explained in the OP, you are wrong.


Okay, I guess Osama Bin Laden was not such a bad person either because he also loved his wives and children ;D


you are wrong.

Just saying so does not make it true.
He was an evil and vile manipulator. He did not care for the poor but used them as pawns in his crimes.
A person who is dealing death is evil and bad. There are no two sides to this coin, there are no different perspectives.
Pablo was responsible for so many tragedies that the few good deeds he has actually done are just moot. He bombed a friggin airplane because his ego was hurt.
The only good thing with him is that he is dead.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


With all due respect, if your conclusion that Escobar was "complex" and "fundamentally a good person", was based on a ficntionalized account of him in this series then I think you need to refer to more factual data on Escobar. There is no factual evidence of the interactions Escobar had with his family, or his visit to his estranged father towards the end or if he every cared for bunnies, like the series would have you believe! :)

Now even if these were all factually true, it still does not take away from the profound harm he caused a nation and its people, for generations to come! Some known facts about this guy show that he was extremely manipulative and used his "philanthropy" to benefit himself and his operations vastly. You shower a poor nation with basic needs that the government struggles to provide and add some nice things like soccer stadiums then the benefactors are more likely to overlook the crimes that pay for this. There is no doubting that the man was a shrewd drug dealer and was able to control the narrative very effectively, to suit him and his agenda. He even set his own terms for imprisonment while living in a resort that he built and was off limits to law enforcement. Amazing!

But with all the luxuries the man had and the power he wielded over the people and the police, his undoing finally was his greed to control more of the drug empire when he could have very well given it up and done something good with the billions he had accumulated over the years.

Its hard to sympathize with such a man whose idea of "defense" and self preservation was blowing up establishments like super markets, pharmacies, airplanes etc. that resulted in the death of thousands of innocent civilians including children while he put up a farce of being a loving husband, caring father and a patriot. Oh and lets not forget his love for bunnies, like you stated!


...for Walt and none for Hank or the other law enforcement officers killed in the show. Sure they may have some redeeming qualities like being loyal to their families etc...he had hundreds of innocents killed kids included. The "character" of Pablo may have been great as a villain but come on Pablo Escobar was NOT a good man by any means.....most of the dialogue in this series was as made up...


No one is inherently evil in nature, even Hitler thought he was doing God's work. The point is if we judge men by their actions we can see their true nature.

You're basing a lot of your opinion on a fictional character, do you really think the real Escobar had a moment on the bench talking to his dead brother? Who was there to record it? It's total fiction.

There's a reason the disclaimer at the beginning of each episodes is there to remind you that it's fiction, not entirely based on fact.



He intentionally planted a bomb on a full airplane and on a crowded street market.

He allowed his employees to rape and murder young girls.

Yes that is evil.

You disgust me.


