MovieChat Forums > Narcos (2015) Discussion > Pablo Escobar could have been a good per...

Pablo Escobar could have been a good person

He was a psychopath that deserved his fate, but when you see the affection towards his family and friends, you can only think that this man had some good in him. He seemed happy on the farm with his Father, and maybe if he had grown up with him, he would have lived a simple but very happy life. The bad just outweighed the good in him.

I believe most people have good in them, if not all, but some carry far more demons in them than others.

What do you guys think? Could he have been good?


Yeah, I'm sure Hitler or Bin Laden could have been 'good persons' too ***rolling eyes***


Is that really the best answer you could come up with?


Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.


Doesn't that make you dumber though? My question is a legit one, but instead of actually engaging in the conversation, you decide to post a stupid answer on purpose. Why answer something you consider stupid in the first place?

Don't be a snob brother.


His answer could be translated into: People are remembered for their actions. If one's actions clearly leaned towards "evil" more than towards "good", said person will be remembered as "evil".

Obviously, Escobar had good in him, he was human, just like Hitler or Bin Laden were good to the people they loved. The problem lied with how evil those guys were towards the people they didn't love (or even hated). The very worst of their crimes is often considered to be the innocent victims they killed (directly or indirectly).

As far as Escobar is concerned, he gave up his "Hero of the People" status when he started bombing *beep* left and right and behaving like a terrorist. No one cared when cartels or gangs killed one another, it's when they started making innocent victims that they lost all popular support.


Great answer and I agree with your post.


Why don't you go *beep* yourself. You're one of those people who think human emotions are binary, black and white.


I felt that too. He was a leader, intelligent, and loved his family. Those qualities could have been successful in other ways.


He is a psychopath, he doesn't feel love like normal people with empathy. I believe he does truly thinks family is the most important thing in the world, but in the end a psychopath doesnt love anyone but himself. Simply because he is not capable of putting theirself in someone shoes.


No, it was a stupid question. If you can't see that... it says a lot about how little you understand people.

I admire how focused, determined and unwilling to let anything stop him that Pablo was.

But "good"? Lol not even a little bit. Dude was a monster. Just cuz he loved his family doesn't change that.

So the mocking post above is appropriate.


I don't think you read my entire post. He could have been good, not saying he was good. It means that if he had grown up under different circumstances, he could have become a good leader since he was very intelligent and determined. He did give money to people in his neighborhood and built soccer fields, etc for his hometown during the earlier stages. Some people are just straight sociopaths, whereas he was very kind to his family and people that showed loyalty. Does that make up for his terrorist behavior? Absolutely not, he deserved his fate, probably worse. Most people have good in them, but it is always easier to fall to the dark side. The evil within just overpowered his kindness. And I do understand people, probably more than you.

I don't just ride in on my snobby high horse and try to belittle people that ask a valid question.

I am trying to understand what went on inside the man's head, and you just come up with an easy conclusion without making a proper analysis. Things aren't that simple in life. Good day to you.


Uhh no, I read your entire post. To go back to the Hitler comparison (since it fits pretty well)... Hitler did a lot of stuff that you probably would have considered good before all the nasty *beep* came to light. He was Time Magazine's person of the year, and they didn't give that to him for gassing Jews.

Just because you have good traits doesn't make up for your negative behavior. You acknowledge this but still make the ridiculous statement that "but hes kinda good, right?" No he wasn't. If I beat my wife, buying her flowers tomorrow doesn't make up for it.

Its not that complicated...

And what went through his head? He was a megalomaniac who understood that low information retards (not their fault but being super poor and uneducated that is ultimately the extent of their awareness of politics) like free *beep* Dictators have used that crap to rise to power in socialist/communist nations all over the world. Nazis (national SOCIALIST), the USSR, the Castro's in Cuba, Mao in China, Venezuela up to the present day...etc. Pablo was well on his way to trying that (remember all the scenes about him becoming President) until he got exposed for the ruthless monster that he was. I'm not saying only commies can be dictators, but it is a political ideology that inevitably leads down one path, and Pablo being the kind of ruthless *beep* that he was, it wouldn't have taken very long for that party to get started.

If you had asked a valid question, I would have given you a valid answer. But this was a stupid question so...

To be clear, if I asked the same question about another bloodthirsty mass murderer like say, Hitler, I would deserve the same level of contempt.


i think every single evil person in the world had people they loved and cared about and had people they helped. think of the most evil person in the world and then think of the people they loved.... come on... that doesnt make them good


I'm not religious but I do admire Jesus teachings, and one of them is to love your enemies, not just your friends and family; he goes on further to explain that there is no merit in the latter fore anybody can do it, and I add even a predator animal can do that.


Escobar's son told the media that Pablo had been very cold and emotionless towards everyone, including his family. Textbook psychopath. The writers of the show over-romanticized his character, he was nowhere near as affectionate in real life as Moura portrays him.

The show is awesome, but don't let it fool you into liking Escobar.


I think it is a perceptive question and outlook. To this day, here in Colombia, some people still thiunk highly of Pablo Escobar. He clearly was able to show some people a softer side, enough to convince people he was noble.


i always think of mathew 5:46-47:

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same?


No. He was a psychopath driven by his hatred of the haves and the entitlement he felt to what they have. He was also a creep that got with his wife when she was 13. The only reason he had affection for his family was because they worshiped him. (He still cheated on his wife so so much for truly loving her. He kept his family in danger to "win" so so much for truly loving them.) He would kill his friends and family easily if he thought they no longer worshiped him, and did. He looked down on his father. I'm not seeing anything here that demonstrates any good in him despite how they tried to frame him as a "family man."

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


Do psychopaths deserve being killed? To be punished for something they have no control over?

Aside from that i don't think he was anymore a psychopath than a general sending men to kill and die.
