Have you ever been on a point in your life where you are so unhappy, so depressed and desperate that dying seems less painful than staying alive? I doubt it.
And no, I'm not talking about your ordinary nonsense people whine about. Nonsense such as losing your job or having a horrible day where everything goes wrong.
I'm talking about a true longing for it all to end.
I been there. When I spent 5 months in jail, being isolated 24/7 with no human contact and staring at a blank wall for hours on end, while receiving death threats from other inmates and no future to look forward to.
I met myself there, and my limitations. I realized what I can endure and when my breaking point is reached. If they hadn't let me go, I would certainly have opted out. I am very serious about this. When you lose fear of death, when you move closer to the point where you are convinced you wanna end your life and when you sit in your cell inspecting bars and stuff to use as an ankerpoint for your self made rope so you can hang yourself, taking in consideration the height for a "safe" drop... And above all, when you quit alerting people about your thoughts and plan to do it without anyone knowing it beforehand...
I absolutely HATE when others who know jack shiat tell others to not end their life. What the holy hell do you know about it?
Everyone has the right to live. But also the right to die.
I am stunned that euthanasia isn't globally an option, for everyone, regardless of physical or mental health state.
None of us asked to be born into this world. If someone isn't happy with this life, it should be their damn birthright to choose to leave this world sooner than nature had intended.
That is common sense. But of course the world is full with idiots claiming there is always something to live for. Ultimately dictating others to live on and endure some more horror while it's not theirs to live through. How pretentious can one be? The right thing to do is to respect ones choice to step out of this life and by all means, support him or her with that choice and doctors, please guide such a person through the last moments in peace and respect. It'd be much nicer if people could just die with an injection rather than go hang themselves with a rope or slit their wrists, blow their brains out against the ceiling and more of that.