MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > Is the gay promotion/agenda really neede...

Is the gay promotion/agenda really needed?


Why does hollywood feel the need to promote ANY chosen behavior or agenda?


Well you clearly have a problem with people being gay, don't bother saying you don't because that makes you more of a idiot, the character is gay it shows is partner and child...your the one making it out to be this BIG AGENDA, when it is not anything of the sort, people like you are making it a BIG deal by complaining all the time when really it should be one of those things where you see it and you do not think anything of it because its a normal thing to see.


I'm totally with George Takei. It was completely unnecessary, and alters the character as established by Roddenberry. Have a gay character, but make it a new one (Or perhaps expand an existing background character from an old episode, who we don't know much about). They shouldn't retroactively alter an existing main character.

I can see where Simon Pegg was coming from. Star Trek has always pushed the boundaries for its time (e.g. Uhura being a black woman not defined by her colour in any way, and in a position of authority and responsibility, likewise Chekov being a Russian character during the cold war, Sulu being part Japanese after WWII), and so yes, introduce a gay character. But it shouldn't be shoehorned into an existing one for the sake of adding that element.



It was like a two second shot of Sulu greeting his family.

OMG! Gay agenda forced down my throat!

People are crazy and times are strange


Ehh, this was pretty subtle. There is more focus on the daughter than the partner. If anything, for an attempt to make a character gay, this was pretty timid.

That said, I agree with Takei that it was not needed.


Man, did this agenda PR thing backfire.

I honestly think the box office came up light because making the Sulu character now choose the homosexual lifestyle is a card they played for no reason other than this agenda. Such a small scene and so very unnecessary. I know quite a few people that didn't pay to see this movie because of this factor. They shot themselves in the foot for no reason.


Jayhawk777 Thanks for the info - I was planning on taking the kids, but if this another one of those Hollywood --- desensitizing effects movies, then I will give this one a miss. Sick and tired of the Hollywood elites forcing agendas. I refuse to give them my money.


FYI- It was just one throw away scene early in the film. That's what's so bizarre. All this stupid propaganda that ended up hurting its box office for one three second scene that was completely unnecessary.


It was a four second shot of two men hugging. Why the hell does anyone care? This is just as dumb as when the tumblr feminists threw hissy fits because we saw Carol changing clothes in the last one.


Why does hollywood feel the need to promote ANY chosen behavior or agenda?

It makes money?
