... ask the limp-wristed program manager. It's WOMEN. They don't watch good shows... they watch that reality dating and dancing crap. Call me a misogynist... I DON'T CARE! It's women that are at least half the viewing audience, and if they don't watch it, the gay or lesbian Jew in the corner office on Madison Ave. won't renew.. Easy peasy.
Why sink a bunch of money into a show, that less than 50% of the total audience likes? It's all about money, and if "Almost Human" can't outdo "The Bachelor" or OTHER stupid fvcking shows like it, it won't get renewed.
My wife was reluctant to watch Almost Human due to it's sci-fi theme. But she came to really enjoy it almost as much as myself. BRING BACK ALMOST HUMAN!!
I have this is one woman who hates reality, dating and dancing shows. I would rather stick a pin in my eye than watch the X Factor or anything like it. Almost Human was one of my fave programs on, I'm gutted its cancelled. So your argument is slightly flawed because you cannot say all women like or watch these shows because I hate them with a passion.
God is an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live.
That's hysterical, considering that about 99% of the people trying to get the show renewed are WOMEN. We tweet constantly, mail noodles and write to the network.
What have YOU done?
Just to let you know, fans are still trying to get Almost Human renewed, or picked up by another network.
We do mass tweet-outs every Monday, 8 PM EST, 5 PM PST, and all relating time zones, with the hashtag #SaveAlmostHuman, and send them to as may networks as we can fit into the 140 spaces. Some of us post pictures and cartoons about the show as well.
We also started a mailing campaign, where we mail noodles (About the only thing Kennex eats) to Fox and Warner Brothers (Warner Bros created the show) Pack of Ramen, 3 postage stamps and it's on it's way!
Mailing peanuts helped get "Jericho" renewed (Yes, for only 1 season, but it's better than nothing!) so we hope to have the same effect with the noodle campaign!
The show had good ratings, we're convinced we can get it back if enough people make enough noise! So please, mail some noodles, send some tweets, and let's get our show back on the air!
Guess it´s a little late to reply but it was so nice to see that there are people out there that does NOT like all these bachelor, bachelorette and the likes... nothing more than glorified prostitutionseries... true crap really... Here is a woman who loves sci-fi and hates all these reality shows with degrading and humiliation on the "menu". So You are right IMO, women tend to watch such crap. Sad... I´m gonna get it now I guess but I really don´t care. Missing this show a lot, is was VERY good.
As JenCat mentioned, the overwhelming majority of people participating in the efforts to get a continuation of Almost Human (via tweetouts and such) are women. So I think your belief is quite flawed. The only way to verify something like this would be to have some kind of detailed demographic report done, which would require people to respond to a survey or w/e... I've never watched a single reality show like the ones you are referring to - Almost Human was by far my favorite thing on TV and not a day has gone by since its cancellation that I've not thought about it - I've mailed over a dozen letters, tweeted faithfully every Monday, run contests (one currently ongoing with a copy of the DVDs as the prize), made graphics, etc. on a regular basis in the hopes that someone will take a second look at this show, or even to get new fans interested.
As JenCat mentioned, the overwhelming majority of people participating in the efforts to get a continuation of Almost Human (via tweetouts and such) are women. So I think your belief is quite flawed.
No, what's flawed, is you telling me that JUST because there are women such as "JenCat... participating in the efforts to get a continuation of Almost Human", that MY logic is flawed.
You have no proof of what you claim, although you DO call for a demo poll. Just because there are more women than men, trying to get the show "continued", doesn't mean the audience was comprised mostly of women... it just means that they are more impassioned to get AH returned to air.
Men are lazy... AND they have many more shows to watch that can and WILL take AH's place. I miss AH, but I'm not going to go to the time and effort (mostly time) to try and get it back on the air... that rarely, if ever, happens.
Even if the entire "crew" of letter writers were women, it still doesn't reflect the total demographic of viewers. The ENTIRE viewership of women might BE on the crew (grin), but their numbers would still pale in comparison to the number of men who watched the show (IMO, but I could be wrong).
It's always the most vociferous who get on these letter writing campaigns, but that doesn't mean they made up the majority of viewers. I really liked the show, and I miss it, but I don't share the same passion for needing it to return. I just finished up "Life on Mars" and it was a decent replacement for me. Now, I'm watching the British version. I've got too many other shows to watch, to take the time.
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Good luck to all the letter writers out there, trying to get AH reinstated!
Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. reply share
What was the point of that list, exactly? most of those weren't even shows, they're movies or specials or whatever else? Not that I did more than scan the list because... I don't care.
Regardless, how does having other shows to watch have anything to do with it? I watch and have watched many other shows and they have zero effect on my feelings about Almost Human.
If men make up most of the show's demographic, then men bear the responsibility to step up and fight for it. "Laziness" is the worst excuse ever. It takes practically no effort to print a pre-made letter, sign it, and address it to the WB. Or as some people are doing, throw a mailing label with "#SaveAlmostHuman" and three stamps on a pack of ramen. If men aren't fighting for the show bc they're too "lazy" to do it, then I guess they don't even care that much about it in the first place and in that case why does it matter whether they were even a part of the show's audience?
The fact is, you have NO basis for your claim that hardly any women watched the show. Believing it does not make it so. Seems to me you just wanted to be inflammatory.
Just to show that I won't miss AH... I've got plenty of movies and shows already on my computer that I can watch instead.
... most of those weren't even shows
Did they HAVE to be "shows"?
... they're movies or specials or whatever else? Not that I did more than scan the list because... I don't care.
Why do you nerds always write something like "I don't care", like that is some kind of magical phrase that puts an end to the conversation? You obviously DO care, or you wouldn't be writing me back... right?
Regardless, how does having other shows to watch have anything to do with it?
"It", was my statement, that I have other things to watch... "it" doesn't have anything to do with AH the show, only that I will not miss it. You fanboys and girls put WAY too much thought into these shows that you liked. I hated when "Alphas" went off the air, but I didn't cry and moan about it to anyone.
I have WAY too many things to do, other than watching my computer all night. I don't "watch" TV... I own a business and it keeps me rather busy, but I do enjoy a good show like AH to watch when I DO have free time.
I watch and have watched many other shows and they have zero effect on my feelings about Almost Human.
This goes back to why I posted my list... it WASN'T about what will "take" AH's place, but that I have other shows to watch.
If men make up most of the show's demographic, then men bear the responsibility to step up and fight for it.
I agree.
"Laziness" is the worst excuse ever.
I agree... I was just stating fact, not excusing them (men).
It takes practically no effort to print a pre-made letter, sign it, and address it to the WB. Or as some people are doing, throw a mailing label with "#SaveAlmostHuman" and three stamps on a pack of ramen. If men aren't fighting for the show bc they're too "lazy" to do it, then I guess they don't even care that much about it in the first place and in that case why does it matter whether they were even a part of the show's audience?
That was my whole point about men being too lazy... that, and the fact they WILL substitute something for AH.
The fact is, you have NO basis for your claim that hardly any women watched the show.
Please read my OP. I said NO such thing as "hardly any". "...and if they don't watch it..." is my EXACT quote. From another post: "If the numbers aren't there for "A.H.", chances are, women aren't watching", meaning ENOUGH women. Obviously, enough MEN weren't watching either. Please copy and paste here, where I said "hardly". Thank you.
Believing it does not make it so. Seems to me you just wanted to be inflammatory.
Seems to me, you are wrong.
Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. reply share
WTF? There are just as many idiotic reality shows geared towards men as there are towards women, and just as many men watch them as women. Also, you claim that only married men watch reality shows, which is pure bullsht. You don't have sht to back that claim up with, other than your own prejudices. Because it isn't true.
And guess what, there are as many men who DON'T watch the show as there are women who DON'T, so the idea that it's women's fault the show got cancelled is pure misogynistic bullcrap. In addition, ever heard of DVR?
You could just as easily say, if more MEN had watched the show, it would not have gotten cancelled. No, instead of also placing blame on the men that don't watch it, you SPECIFICALLY only attacked females. If every male in the country watched the show then maybe your argument would make a tiny smidge of sense. Oh, wait, no it wouldn't. Because if more males were watching the show, it wouldn't have gotten cancelled.
And guess what, idiot. Just because you don't specifically say the word "blame" in your post doesn't mean you aren't, in fact, blaming them. You are.
The reason the show got cancelled is not due to gender, and the fact that you are trying to make it so shows that you are just a prick looking to rile people up. Creating drama where there is none.
sbaker...u man...u are tottaly right in every single word.its all about girls, kids, gays and other minorities...they represent to tv channels a big piece of cake...
we...truly fans of sci.fi, we are true minority :-(