Please vent your sad and pathetic anger at somewhere else besides my gender.
SBC... it REALLY wasn't an "anger" issue. It was a "fact" issue. I used some stupid wording to get my point across, and you know how the low IQ, low information neurotic and paranoid liberals take things these days...
Honestly, I meant only that women don't watch shows like these (yes, there ARE women who watch... but not enough to ,make a difference), and the only way to GET them watch, is to put romance and love stories in, essentially ruining it for those who want to see action and sci-fi gadgetry or a cool storyline with NO romance involved at all.
I think sexual "tension" is good for a show, and maybe a tryst, but not a full blown "love story". "The Big Bang Theory" has done that, and now all I see on the boards these days, is people hating all the couples' storylines and romance issues. Blech... that's what soap operas are for.
I'm currently watching an old show that had the same kind of sexual tension going on in it, like in Almost Human... "Life on Mars". I don't "watch" TV... I pirate shows and watch them when I want to watch them... so no commercials and they've already been "vetted" for me.
Most of the shows coming out on Fox, USA and WGN, are far too "sophisticated" for TV. People don't want to think anymore... they just want spoon-fed tits and ass, and stupid, stupid, stupid comedy that's been done a million times, like all that CRAP that Seth MacFarlane puts out.
Seriously... I MIGHT laugh once during a show of his, ONLY because I laughed at the same exact joke the first thousand times it's been told. This is a classic example of what I'm talking about when I say "spoon-fed". New jokes that might be a little deeper than hearing an old lady fart, people just don't get and don't WANT to get.
Again... I wasn't "blaming women" per se, just the fact that it didn't draw ENOUGH of them in to watch. I think I mentioned it somewhere, but I think it had to do with not enough advertising. Now THAT could mean a lot of things... from Fox not wanting to spend the money, therefore saving their shareholders money, or, even MORE sinister, some fat cat executive not liking the show him or herself.
Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.