Way too serious.

The tone of this movie was so heavy. It kinda stripped all of the fun out of it because it only seemed to partly work as a thriller. With the slow pacing it kinda sucked the life out of me.

There was literally only one light-hearted moment, which was the, "Any chance you can punch me in the face?" line. That drew 3 or 4 chuckles out of the 13 suffocating souls in the movie theater.


Too serious? lol.

Do you need a movie to be funny to be great? no, you *beep* dont. just because it is PG-13 doesnt mean *beep* also i see you are a stalker and criticize other people's opinions. oh you rated gone girl and the girl with the dragon tattoo low ratings. you also think david fincher movies are too serious or too *beep* up? if you think Midnight Special is too serious i am pretty sure you have never scene a serious movie.


You know what, I think you're right on all points.

And yes, I've probably never "scene" a serious movie.


I skipped through pages 2-4 but agree with you 100% @ElDeeAgain. I liked the movie but it was way to serious for no reason. Suffocating is a good word. Real life is a bit more dynamic than that. Good movie but a bit stuffy.


I had the same thing on my mind about one hour into the movie. Everyone was so serious THE WHOLE TIME, nobody even smiled, and the score also kept suggesting to the viewer that something very serious and very dramatic is about to happen. The worst part is that nothing outstanding or surprising actually happened that you couldn't figure out pretty much after the first 20-30 minutes. The boy was an "alien" and they ended up taking him away. End of story.
Such a disappointment and a really frustrating movie.


I can't stand lighthearted movies.




"No matter where you go, there you are."


Agree completely. A speilburg film has humor and wonder, this movie had....depression and putting me to sleep..with about 10% "wonder". It would be like if Steven Spielburg was drunk and depressed and wrote a sci-fi screenplay and wrote it without even caring about the dialogue either because he wanted to fall asleep. and then someone was dumb enough to green light it with millions of dollars because...they thought it would be like a steven spielburg movie lol

and I happen to like "dark" films, but they have to be dark films actually written and directed properly, not films just being dark for the sake of being dark, or because they couldn't write anything better. Terribly mediocre, and almost as bad and as boring as Batman Vs. Superman.
